About Me ^~^

HIYOM! Everyone ^~^ Welcome to my humble Blog post *O* Who wants to know more about me O.O Well this journal entry is about me so feel free to add me as long you’re also into JE, J-Pop and K-Pop ^O^

But if you aren't O_O It still okay as long we can be friends *O*
My name is Sarah Jane A. Pedeglorio or I'm mostly known as Sarapyon or Sara and I live in Philippines and Japan. Japan is my second home ^^ I always go back to Japan in winter, spring and summer *~* I've watched a lot of concerts like some JE Groups and JYJ ^~^ I'm a 2nd year college student ^^ Studying at University of Santo Tomas in College of Fine Arts and Design majoring PAINTING ^O^

So my hobby is related to ART like painting, drawing, photography, editing and writing (for manga ideas and fics) *O* I also love to play softball, soccer, volleyball, tennis and basketball because I'm more an athletic type ^^

For those who are curious about my nickname o.O I got the nickname Sarapyon when I was in Japan. It's because Kaji is the one who started to call me Sarapyon because I love rabbits and rabbits love to hop/jump (in japanese it means pyon)
I'm a J-Pop and K-Pop lover but I mostly love J-Pop because it was my first fandom ^^ Blame anime of course ^O^ I've been into J-Pop for five years now and one year for K-Pop ^~^ Obviously in J-Pop I fandomJohnny's Entertainment especially their groups: NEWS, Arashi, KAT-TUN, Kanjani8, Hey! Say! JUMP, V6, Kis-My-Ft2, y Zone, Tackey & Tsubasa, TOKIO and Johnnys Jr. *O*

And I'm proud to say that until now I fandom them and forever will ^^
Then in K-Pop I like a lot of groups but the group that I love the most is JYJ and U-Kiss ^~^ I'm a dedicated JYJ fan and Kiss Me fan ^O^ Seriously both groupds had a lot of struggles to go through and until now they keep fighting everyday just to make us fans happy *~*
Do you see those GIFs above O.O Well they're my ULTIMATE OTP especially Jaechun ^O^ You may notice that I really ship them that I always say 'Jeachun is real' and yeah for me they're already real *~* It's already expose when Jaejoong and Yoochun almost kiss in JYJ's Unforgettable Concert in Japan Day 02 *O* WOW!!! I still remember it ^^ Of course I will because that was the best day for me as a Jaechun shipper *~*

Next is Nakame ^^ Well I just started to like them ever since I saw there clinic skit from No More Pain Concert and the making of Ultimate Wheels and Run for you when Kame wants to kiss Nakamaru O.O Well you can see the GIF above *O*

Lastly Massupi ^-^ Actually... Massu and Yamapi were my two fave members in NEWS and when I see them together *O* It made me smile until I started to ship them ^O^ Too bad I won't see a lot of Massupi moments that I always do before because Yamapi gone solo T^T But I bet they still contact each other ^O^

So this three are my ultimate OTP ^~^

Anyway that's all about me and sorry if they're so many *O* But at least you know about me now ^~^


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GO JAECHUN GO!!! lol this is so u i totally loved the jaechun that u placed in this XD