An Apology

There are several of you who have been waiting patiently for an update for Tempt Me to Heaven and/or Taste of Heaven, and I haven't updated in months. I honestly have worked a bit on ToH, but I seriously lost my motivation for TMtH... I didn't plan it out very well, and even as I was writing it I had no idea how it was going to end, or even what the would be. I think I'll drop it... I'm so sorry.

Taste of Heaven, however, I did plan out relatively well, since I did it end to beginning. I think I'll try to devote myself to it sometime this week or next week. I haven't been writing anything recently, though. I don't know I just kind of feel like anything I write won't be up to standard.

Also, I'm going through some stuff (recovering from one of my worst mental breakdowns to date for example), and I just really need space to think which I can't really do if my dad (aka the cause of said mental breakdown) is staying home all break. My mom says I shouldn't be selfish for home alone time and I should be happy he's here, but she doesn't understand how much I really like being home with only my sister for the whole day/week/break. We basically ignore each other's existence unless we're in the same vicinity and then we aknowledge each other. It's actually a healthy relationship for the two of us, despite what mom and dad like to believe.

So yeah. My harmony for Let It Go is going great, and we're really close to getting cats again (I just can't decide between 2...). I'm really glad my dad gave in and let my sister and I each get our own. 

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas (if you celebrate Christmas, that is) and I wish you all a wonderful New Year!



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Dear Author Nim!
I absolutly adore your work. I honestly love Tempt me to Heaven and Taste of Heaven. I know you are having trouble writing then, but please don't give up. I love those stories and I think of them a lot. I was thinking if it were possible for me to maybe help you get ideas. I don't want to rush you to write them, I just want to inspire you in some way to work on them again.
So I thought of some ways to maybe help you. First, I suggest you reread them and try to rememeber why you started them in the first place. Second would be to do a storyboard of what you already have and then write down options of which ways you feel you can make the stories go. Another thing to go is read other stories that you feel have the same mood of the two stories and work from there, not copying them but to remind you and to get you back into that writing mood.
Another thing you could do if you do not want the story/stories to die is to hand it over or have a co author to help you continue. Or just have someone to read it and write down ideas for you. Or you can totally pass the story to someone else. (Though I honestly prefer if you kept it and just try to continue, I just love you style so much. ♥)
Thank you for your time, and as a fan I honestly hope I helped you. :) ♥