Ariel | Family Ent | Melody/Harmony | Chang Kumiko

Name: Chang Kumiko    

Other Names: n/a
Nicknames: Soo - her friends

Birth Date: 12/18/1992 -21


Ethnicity: Chinese

Birth place: Hong Kong

Hometown: Hong Kong

Languages: Chinese, Korean and English - fluent; Japonese - basic

Personality: Dark Grey Pearl

- Rain sound
- Read romances
- Vaunilla icecream
- Cats
- Indoor sports

- High places
- Cynical persons
- Lies
- Anything that tastes like coffee
- Insects

- Play guitar

- Falls asleep with music on her ears

- Black
- Lasagna
- 13
- Cat

- She is a genius when it comes to play bass and guitar
- She doesn't like when people make her lots of questions
- She is a really good at cooking
- She doesn't show her true emotions very often but she actually cares a lot about teh persons arround her 


Appearance: Baek Sumin

Links:  Gallery

Back-Up: Wang Yiyi

Links:  Gallery

Height: 162cm

Weight 45kg

Trivia: She has a cross-shaped birthmark near her belly.



She is from a very wealthy family, that owns a very big cosmetics company.
Once, when she was 7, she was going to the school by car with her father when they had an accident. Her father went in coma like her, but unlike her that waked up after a couple of weeks, he died while she was still in coma. After that she was never the brigth and happy girl she use to be, after that she closed her heart to everyone.
A few years after de incident, she started trying to get along with the persons and make some friends like Lian, that as always stayed by her side, but it was difficult to her to approachc someone when she didn't knwom what to say frist. 


- Mom
- Older Brother 


- ZiTao - EXO member
- Wang Lian - childhood friend



Love Interest: Xiumin

Back-Up: Chanyeol

How do you meet?: (it'll be the same for both)

How do you act?: (same as top)

Relationship: cat&dog

Scenerios/Scene Request?: The two of them get stuck in the elevator and start talking about what they think about each other, ending up fighting and when the elevator starts working again they fall  ( one of them on top of the other ) ending up with an accidental kiss.



Trainee Years: 3years

Trainee Life: 
It was hard but Kumiko did never, even for ust a second, thought of giving up her dream. She never make any friends during her trainee years, mostly because she wanted to be focused only on working hard to fullfil her dream, but also beacause the other trainees didn't had the courage to aproach Kumiko, a girl who wouldn't talk to anyone and would despise those who didn't took the lessons seriously.


Stage Name: Kumiko

Persona: Cold Princess


[] Leader

[X] Main Vocalist

[] Lead Vocalist

[] Vocalist

[O] Main Rapper

[] Lead Rapper

[] Rapper

Any Variety shows you want to be on?: WGM

Scenerios/Scene Requet: n/a



Suggestions?: n/a

Comments?: My mother language is not english so forgive me if I have some grammar errors. I'm excited to see the story starting ^.^


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