☆ — Choi Kyo Jin ┆ We Got a Family

  DivineDionne — DiDi — 10


    — Choi, Kyo Jin

Name : Choi Kyo Jin (최규진)
Nicknames :
• Kyo || People who are close to her || They find it a hassle to say her full name

Birthday : 01 March 1993

Age : 20

Nationality : Korean

Birthplace / Hometown : Montreuil, France / Daegu, S. Korea

Face Claim : Joo

2nd Face Claim : Park Hwan Hui

Appearance : She likes to alternate her hair from black and brown (and sometimes mix) but she's never tried another color before because she thinks that these colors are what fits her best




    — one and only wife

Characteristics : Disorganized. Vain. Stubborn. Kind. A bit on the shy side. Sarcastic. Funny. Proud.

Personality :
Kyo Jin is the type of person that is willing to bring the laughs and smiles. Though she might look like she's mean, she's really a kind-hearted girl who is just greatly misunderstood (aren't we all?). She's also a bit too driven when it comes to money and sometimes forgets that their are other things in life that are important as well. She's also very sarcastic and will pretty much randomly throw out some side-comments here and there to brighten up the mood.
She also has a bit of an ego and holds her pride at a high pedestal. She'll do anything to protect her ego. She's also horrible at sports & tries to stay away from them. She's also very vain but she doesn't take selcas though, she'd rather express her vainness through mirrors. Whenever she sees one she'll have this uncontrollable desire to preen herself to perfection.
She's also very stubborn (connected with her having a bit of an ego) and WILL continue to defend and stick to her decision regardless if she knows she's right or wrong. She's also blunt, honest, & willing to pretty much give you her most honest opinion. She doesn't sugarcoat but adjusts her opinions according to the people she's talking to. Being sarcastic is mostly her defense mechanism when she's met with situations she's not comfortable with. Her principle is that if she can make a person laugh (be it a jab at herself or the person she's talking to) it takes them away from the knowledge of the fact that she's incredibly nervous and frightened of the new social situation.
Kyo Jin is the type of person that observes. Although isn't exactly a social butterfly she has some few close friends that she cherishes. Not a lot of people know this because they see her as a the type of person that's kind and just plain but get her with her friends and she'll talk and make jokes. She's also very disorganized. If someone cleans her room, instead of thanking that person she instead wallows in the corner and she figures out how the hell she was going to find her stuff under all of the 'cleanness'. She isn't lazy, in fact she's very hard working, she just tries to put it off as along as she possibly can.

Likes :
• Dogs (the fluffy kind)
• Music (mostly ballads)
• Making people laugh.
• Cakes/pastries
• Coffee
• Chocolate
• Food in general
• Books

Dislikes :
• Household Lizards
• People who talk too much.
• Cats
• Alcohol
• Smoking
• Sports
• Trains

Habits :
• Has a habit of chewing on her bottom lip when nervous/scared
• When she likes something she gets so attached to it that she has a hard time moving on
• Has the habit of singing aloud when there is music.
• She won’t eat for the whole day when something is bothering her.

Hobbies :
• Watching American dramas (Modern Family, How I met your mother, etc.)
• Learning how to cook (though she's just naturally horrible at it)
• She wakes up early every morning to take a long walk.

Fears :
• Fear of Water (because she never learned how to swim.)
• Trains (because there's too much people and the movement of it makes her sick.
• Clowns (because they're just creepy.)

Background :
Ever since she was young she always dreamt of becoming an idol because she looked up to them. She was envious of the fact that they all shined on stage and always radiated with confidence. She always had a shy nature in the first place so it took her a couple of tries (and fails) to work up the courage to audition--and she was rejected many times.
First she went to TS Ent and she was rejected, then she went to JYP where she was also rejected. Downhearted she gave up on her dreams but then one of her friends encouraged her to audition for SM at first she didn't want to but after much support she decided to audition--and she got rejected again but they did offer up a proposition though, they said she had talent (pure raw talent) it was her stage presence that was lacking (she always seemed to shrink in front of the judges) so if she came back to SM with a better personality they'll take her.
She took up their offer and went off to hone her confidence. When she reached 19 yrs old she auditioned again and she was accepted. She quickly learned to adapt in her new world and build up her wall of defense (her sarcastic side) and soon became a well known soloist in SM.

Family :
Father | Choi Dong Min | 49 | School Teacher | Loving and caring father who does what he can to provide his family with only the best. Makes a lot of corny jokes. Smart. Disorganized. Humble | They both respect each other and they love each other. He's the kind of person that pretty much rolls with the punches and she the same so they get along well.
Mother | Kim Eun | 47 | Writer/Author | A bit of a workaholic but loves her children and will do anything to support them. Loving. Blunt and gives out harsh but true advices. Thinks that Kyo Jin should start growing up stop being babied by her fatheer.| With her blunt and honest attitude, she can get a bit annoying but they both love each other and when she has troubles she's the firs person that Kyo Jin runs to.
1st degree Cousin | Choi Jinri (Sulli) | 19 | Idol Group f(x) | Humble. Loving. Funny. Friendly.Pretty.| Sulli was the very first person that greeted Kyo Jin when she entered SM, she's very protective of Kyo Jin and will not hesitate to promote her name when she has the chance. Though Kyo Jin acts like she doesn't like being babied by Sulli she's very thankful for Sulli's support and always makes sure to thank her.

Idol Friends :
Close Friend | Zhang Liyin | 24 | Solo Artist of SM | Motherly. Kind. Friendly. Loving. Helpful | Solo Artist | The moment Kyo Jin became a Solo Artist she was scared because she was thinking that she'd debut in a group. Zhang Liyin became her guide and her mother figure, though there are some language barriers, they learn to communicate well through their passion--music.
Close Friend | Park Sun Young | 20 | Idol | Nice. Kind. Friendly. Loving. Helpful | f(x) | They became close with each other because of Sulli, though they have a friendly competition with each other and always practice singing together.

Group : Solo Artist
Position : All
Company : SM

On Camera / Off Camera : No. When she's on stage she's charismatic and exudes confidence but when she's off stage she becomes humble and quiet. (Think of D.O from EXO).

Languages : Korean (Fluent), Mandarin (Conversational), English (Fluent), French (Fluent)

    — Kim, Joonmyeon

Name : Kim Joonmyeon (김준면)

Nicknames :
• Suho || His fans || It's his stage name

Birthday : 22 May 1991

Age : 22

Nationality : Korean

Languages : Korean (fluent), Mandarin (Conversational)

Group : EXO (EXO-K)
Position : Leader & Lead Vocalist
Company : SM


    — one and only husband

Personality : He's the type of person that's very kind and has the natural ability to lead. Though he has a bit of a prince complex and can get very vain, he puts that aside for the sake of his friends and loved one. He does get a tad bit annoying when he starts to become all protective and worry-wort but it's just his natural innstict of being a leader.

Relationship with your character : He treats her very kindly and treats her as if she's made of glass. Though they generally know each other because they came from the same company, he still is a bit wary of her because technically she IS her senior. But once the first initial awkward contact is gone, he starts to worry about her  and care for her. He's a bit of a worry-wort and calls her and texts her to know if she's alright. Sometimes she misplaces her phone so she can't pick it up when he calls, that's why he has resorted to calling the people to the closest proximity of her. At first they were awkward but when they met Leo they soon grew into the role of mother and father.

Relationship with your child : He's very caring about Leo and will do anything to protect him (sometimes a bit too much) but Leo loves the attention so he gives him more. He thinks of nothing short of the best for Leo and will get it no matter what.
On Camera / Off Camera : Yes

   웃 — Recipon, Leo Wiliam

Name : Recipon Leo William

Nicknames :
• Little Lion || Kyo Jin || Because Leo means Lion in French so she calls him that in endearment.

Birthday : 07 September 2007

Age : 7




    — one and only child

Characteristics : Tsundere. Friendly. Lovable. Disorganized. A bit lazy. Gets tantrums

Personality : He is very friendly and lovable so almost everyone he meets always coos in admiration. Though he's very disorganized and pretty much starts to go wild when he doesn't find his stuff (even though he was the one who misplaced it) his also good at aegyo and pretty much gets whatever he wants with his deadly weapon.

Relationship with your character : At first Kyo Jin almost died at the cuteness of Leo but appearantly Leo didn't feel the same. Though he was very affectionate with Joonmyeon, he was cold towards Kyo Jin. Kyo Jin was always the only child so she never knew how to take care of someone younger than her (Sulli was always so independent so it always felt like Sulli was taking care of her) and she did whatever Leo ordered. In the long run (with no sign of Leo warming up to her) she cries in frustration because the added stress brought her to tears. Joonmyeon seeing his troubled "wife" decided to help out and suggested that she tuck Leo in for bed. At first she didn't want to (because it was always Joonmyeon who did it) but he insisted so she gave in. Joonmyeon warned her that it always took him almost an hour to sleep. When she went in Leo instantly became cold to her and snubbed her. She sighed and just took a seat next to him and waited for him to sleep. But then she remembered something and so she offered Leo something, if she sang him a lulluby in French he'd fall asleep. Leo nodded and soon that's where their relationship started to warm up--with Kyo Jin tucking him every night and singing to him a lullaby in French.

Relationship with their dad :  It was like two peas in a pod, the immediately bonded and Joonmyeon became Leo's favorite.

    — finish line

Comments : Hope you like her :)

Suggestions :
> Leo meets his "aunts" (fx) and "uncles" (exo)
> Kyo Jin starts to get a bit emotional because of all the hate comments she's getting from exo's fans and Leo stands up for her by saying "don't bully my umma" making her cry even more.
>She records a song with Leo saying the intro
Anything Else I Should Know : none

Password : why is he so cute?! WAE?!
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