



"그때까지 기다려주실꺼죠?"
As the long year of 2013 nears its end, so does our first year with SEVENTEEN. It seems like it was only yesterday that we were watching this group of youthful boys running about the vibrant green practice room decked out in their white shirts and black pants, some with crowns atop their heads, santa capes, reindeer ears and tinsel scarves- even with one wearing a hat made out of a balloon. Wondering what these boys' names were, what personality laid within them, what kind of talents they had yet to show us. It's so hard to believe just how long ago our first time was of experiencing the trainee lives of SEVENTEEN.
1 year. 3 showcases. 4 seasons. From the old days of TEMPEST, meeting the first eleven members of SEVENTEEN, having a full house of sixteen and now, to a current fifteen members. The changes between the times had been tough, but thanks to them they had made you a stronger people in hopes that you'll continue to look on to achieving your dreams. All of you boys are truly amazing beings, and I know that you all have a huge potential to make it big. Never give up and never stop SM17ING. For all of you to get up to where you are standing now, you've undergone so many hardships. Hopefully (although I think, definitely) going through all the harsh training and surviving the sleepless nights will all pay off once you are able to stand on stage and call yourself an idol; a member of SEVENTEEN. No matter what happens, know that your fans will always and forever be there for you.
Personally the first broadcast I watched of 17TV was on the 20th of June when they were in teams, performing their chosen songs that in turn, us fans had to vote for their favourite. However this wasn't the first time I ever stumbled upon them; in fact I've had a thing for them ever since their appearances in NU'EST's Face MV and HELLO VENUS' 'Venus', except back then they weren't 'SEVENTEEN' but rather to me 'nameless but really cute school uniform boys who are like really cute' (major otl). To begin with I only knew one member's name, but as time passed and I got more and more into SEVENTEEN I eventually learned and managed to put their names to their face. Something I noticed was that even though SEVENTEEN have more members than both EXO and Super Junior, I was able to name and recognise the boys of SEVENTEEN much more easier and quicker than with EXO and Super Junior. Anyway, I soon found myself pretty much unable to pay the same amount of attention that I gave SEVENTEEN to my other biased groups. There was something about them that I simply couldn't help but fall for. Each of the members have their own respective charms that draws you to them. Maybe it's the fact that there are so many boys with such diverse personas, and regardless of their differences they are able to get along so well with each other. When I look at SEVENTEEN I don't see myself looking at a 'group' but rather, I see a FAM17Y.
I wish all of you only the best in your debut for the coming year, and that it is a successful one. Don't lose sight of what it is you truly want to achieve, and don't let any negatives bring you down. We, as SM17ES, we'll always be there for you boys through thick and thin. Thankyou boys for everything you've done for us, thankyou for all the sacrifices you've made.
From now until forever; 세븐틴, 사랑합니다.



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Time really flies...
This message just makes me realize how much 17 means to me too orz
hanagoun #2
omona...this message though...
It hit me in the feels for some reason...
You, Miss Dopeshxt, should write more angsty stuff...