Application Form

Application Form


AFF Name:BlackRose001

AFF Profile Link: Here


Name:Kwon MinJee







Languages Known:Korean, English, Mandarim, Spanish and a little of Japanese

Currently Living in: London

Ulzzang Picture:Gallery

Ulzzang Used:Lee Da Som

Backup Ulzzang Picture:Gallery

Backup Ulzzang Used:Park Sora


  • White Chocolate
  • Capuccino
  • Strawberries
  • Sushi
  • Junk Food
  • Salads
  • heels and sneakers
  • Nail arts
  • Black Roses
  • Coconut Ice cream
  • Lemon Ice Cream
  • Computer
  • Caps
  • Acessories
  • Bags
  • The darkness and the night
  • The moon
  • Drawing
  • Music
  • Skates


  • Watermelon
  • Black Chocolate
  • Lies
  • Bullies
  • Spiders


  • Dancing
  • Being a DJ
  • Drawing
  • Playing Basketball
  • Skateboarding
  • Listen to music
  • Being on the computer


  • Biting her bottom lip when she´s nervous
  • Being alone and avoid everyone when she´s sad
  • When she lies she starts playing with her hair.

Specialities: Can make the best remix and mix with different songs. Is really good at basketball and is a professional at skateboarding.

Personality: MinJee doesn´t show to anyone her real self. She likes to be alone and be with her music. She hates when people disturbe her when she´s earing music.

If you are close to MinJee you will see that she has a passion for music and loves to be a DJ at the bars and clubs she works. She feels like her problems went away and it´s like a drug that calms her.

In reality, MinJee is a real ert and stubborn girl that cares for the people she loves and will always protect them until the end of the world. Is a loyal friend that will never betray you or talk to you on the back.


MinJee has no parents. She lived most of her life in an orphanage. In the orphanage she never received love from anyone and that´s the reason for being so cold. 

When she did 16, she got out of the orphanage and with the little amount of money they gave her she rented a small room and started to work as a maid in a coffee shop. When she enough money, she bought a passport and went to London. There, with the age of 17 she learned how to mix music and turned into a DJ and started to work every single night at al lots of bars and clubs, having lots of money and being rich. If you´r wondering if she went to school, yes she did but she hated it. Everyone knew that she was orphan and that worked at night as a DJ and because of that, people wanted to be friends with her because of her money and they also were always requasting her to put music. When she finish high school she didn´t tought twice to know that she didn´t want to go to college and what she wanted to do for the rest of her life was to be a DJ.




Backup Gemstone/Power:Lapis Lazuli

Love Interest:Kris

Backup Love Interest: Baekhyun


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