I tried to subscribe to a story but it came up with this message


Oops! Something went wrong

Asynchronous action blocked by client software. Please whitelist in browser or ad blocking software to prevent software collisions in async code.



So I didn't know what to do so I went to Adblock, which I've had for a while now, and went into whitelisted domains and the only thing there was

If I remove off the list would all the ads come back and would it let me subscribe to stories again?


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omg? idk what to do? what's that? where can i find it what can i make it stop?
I'm also a random person who came across the same problem ^^;;
Scarlettwolf down there is right - I simply clicked *Disable everywhere* in the ad block add-on and it started working again. Good luck! C:
I had this problem and I googled it to try and find an answer. This blog post came up, so yeah, I'm a random person. I don't know if you figured it out or not, but I did and I thought I'd try and help lol. If you don't have the ad block on the navigation toolbar or add-on bar, do so cause that's the only way I could disable ad block on aff. It's pretty simple so you probably figured it out but I had originally not had ad block on my navigation bar and it was a bit of a pain in the
I think AFF has been having issues with AdBlock...see if whitelisting the site (aka taking AdBlock off of it) does any good? I know I try to discourage people from using AdBlock at all, as ad revenue's kinda one of the only ways the site gets enough money for funding ^^ servers are expensive, at least from what I remember ours costing the last time Nichiren switched servers o.o
try it on a differet brower