So like...

Me being a Kamilia and total KARA fangirl and all... I totally felt proud and happy when I read this person's post on Karaholic <3 [I omitted some parts of his post so that only the parts with KARA/Karaholic/Kamilia was mentioned]

"As you can see from my join date, I joined Karaholic just a day before the whole controversy came to light. When the controversy blew up, I thought I would be faced with the blind, fanatical craziness typical of SONEs. But then, as I started reading people's comments, I realized that Kamilia was different. Kamilia is a fandom full of smart, cool-headed people who like to analyze a situation carefully before jumping to any conclusions. It's a fandom that is not afraid of asking itself: "Maybe some of the girls did something wrong?" or "Maybe it wasn't the company's fault?". A fandom that is fair and level-headed when crazy situations like these come up. Ultimately, it is a fandom that truly loves the people it supports so much. Because of that love and respect, Kamilias think carefully before drawing any conclusions or accusations that will only help to blow things out of proportion. Compare that to Cassiopeia (God, I hope I don't get flamed...), a fandom that turned a business dispute into an all-out war between three celebrities and the "hellish, fiendish, diabolical" company that ultimately created them.

I love Kara, SNSD, TVXQ/JYJ, though. I have absolutely no issues with the artists themselves. This post is related only to the fandoms. And when compared to SONEs and Cassies, I believe Kamilias show greater maturity." 


Anyway, as for my take on the whole KARA issue, before I was worrying and all that stuff when negative details came out and DSP claims... (that composer Jaeho guy really brightened my mood though) 

I'm not going to worry when negative info comes out anymore...if I take anymore into my mind, it's going to burst. SO. I'm just going to hope that the end result is good, that all KARA members will stick together as 5 whether they stay in DSP or not. Although if they do stay in DSP, I hope it'll be in better conditions than previously. KARA fighting~! (I joined Twitter (@YoruxRuki) just to trend #KamiliaStayStrong and #KARAStayTogether~ haha XD)


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