
From my tumblr:

…While I understand why the members would want to graduate…Everything seems so unreal. After their graduation announcements, I always think to myself, that girl isn’t graduating… But in the end, the members do graduate. I feel as if I can’t digest it even though I’m aware of the news… Even after their graduation…I feel as if I can’t accept it even though I can…

Amina is heading towards the realm of the seiyuu it seems… ganbatte! I realize just now, that after the AKBingo phase of my life, I’d never paid much attention to this girl… But… I guess I will from now on…as an anime otaku and something else maybe…

And… Nanako’s last stage is already over eh? I hope she can do her best in her studies!! I remember those days…I think Kiss Datte Hidarikiki…when the senbatsu appeared on a few variety shows…when that Nanako robot was shown. That little bit of failure and clumsiness made me smile and well, that’s when I got a bit interested in NanNan. I got to see a lot of sides of that girl through the Airin translations out there and the subs…and many many other sources… 

So many members have graduated this year…

From the Kumi-san who surpasses my kami-oshi…with her slightly baka character, her beautiful eyes, her amazing acting, and those weird quirks about her…

To the ever so awesome Tomochin…who was the epic Shibuya, really much fashionable, those solo singles, her little fang…

To PenPen who I ended up falling in love with after her graduation announcement…the slight airheaded feeling, the penguin, the soft feeling that she gives off…


Graduation came and went. Well for me, I guess I’ll always be supporting them on whatever they want in the future.


I can't really digest the fact that Nanako has graduated... If you've looked at NanNan's G+, the cover is PenPen, Nao, and Nanako... now there's only Nao... SKE's graduations always hit me harder than AKB graduations for some reason...


But there's Amina... she's going...one person who I didn't think who leave... but I'm betting I'll be able to see her in my other fandom of anime... Well, I already said most of that... I'm gonna search for some stuff!!! Plus, I'm pretty sure Aidol's Sou-san is depressed right now... *sighs... well, I'm betting I can learn more about her before the end is the end.


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