This is basically a thank you post but as the year is coming to an end.. So I just feel the need to write this. Im going to start off from January-February,

I was sad, stressed and on the verge of killing myself. I cried every single ing day. My old 'friends' was super weird. One is an annoying playgirl, another one cries because of boys, and another one, simply a . And so that I can keep up with their gossips about boys, I too honestly became like them. My life was all over the place and the old kinda preppy, smart student I was, gone. Frankly, I was a mess.


I moved to a different school near my house. To be honest, I started off as an awkward turtle, afraid to make eye contacts with everyone. I was scared of what they were thinking about me. Are they judging me with the weird stares? I dont know. "Why this girl's here?" One would ask, but I knew even if i told them from a-z about my past years, they just wouldnt understand because they simply didnt go through it. 

The first day, I sat with the 'gossip girls' and It was seriously no fun ISTG.  They talked about boys 24/7 and how someone i didnt know is a yada yada yada. 

The next day, I heard someone talking about ryan higa. And I was like, AH FINALLY SOMETHING I KNOW. Since Ive been obsessing over him when i was younger so i sat with them out of the blue and start talking. (well, i just listened) So the people I sat with is InfiniteJjang (Joo), PinkMusic (Sofia), BlackMusic (Hani) and SaeMii (Tan)

The rest of the day was still awkward. 

I sat with Tan since I begged the life out of her to sit with me so that I wouldnt be alone in the corner. She kindly agreed and there we were, far in the corner, back of the class.

I spaced out most of the time on the seat and play with Tan eventho I knew she wanted to focus on what the teacher was saying. otl Im so sorry ;_;

So as the days passed by, I started to befriended with them and we were pretty close during April/May. They introduced me to asianfanfics and exo. (p.s/ i used to be a hardcore VIP. and they forced me to watch exo videos)

I started to grew interest on Suho and here I am. Asianfanfics and kpop changed my life. I managed to put my back together and Im no longer a sad depressed kid, crying at nights.

Joo, Tan, Hani and Sofia ^^

I know I am most of the time sometimes a pain in the

but I wanted you guys to know I love you so much thanks for everything, Joo for your mom's hospitality and teaching me abt designing. Having photoshop 101 in your house and answering my calls to "what this tool is for?", forcing me to watch exo videos, being the expert kpop guru. U R JUST SIMPLY AWESOME MAN //HUGS//

Tan for seating next to me, starving with me so i can save some money for gdragon concert, sorry if i scolded you or sumthing. I just lahv you brotha. 

hANI, thanks for being erts together, being probably the wisest and taking a role as the dad (the mom is joo). 


cus ur brain works like mine. 

up top sister!

Anyway thats all. Bye bye //run to the corner with a paperbag//


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zulcia #1
Wahh, that's crazy. I was sort of the same way. Before K-pop, I was shy, anti-social and in everyone else's eyes, just plan weird. Until I met one of my closest friends I have today who introduced me to K-pop, it made me into a complete ert(lol) and brought me to open up more. I have a lot of new friends because of K-pop and it really brought me out of my shell and changed my life.
LostMoments #2
It's great to see that something good came out of the bad. It's true what they say, that out of the bad comes the good, and this is proof of it! You got rid of people who weren't good, and in turn met people who you have made a close bond with and can be yourself with ^_^

Hope you have a better 2014 ❤