How do you described ideal weight?

As I'm still new in AFF and I have nothing to do at the time, I try every each buttons and options in this site, until I stumble in the latest blog post section. Then, there are these two blogs that really catch my attention, since they talk about same thing, but also very different. Both of the blogs are talking about weight, but when one of the blogger wants to increase it, the other one wants to decrease it.


The one who want to gain some weight, because she writes down his weight and his height, I try calculating the BMI (because this method is pretty much what I believe as to determine whether you are underweight or not) and come out around 12. Actually I don't even need to calculate, just look at his weight/height and everyone can know she is pretty much need to gain some weight.

Then, I also try calculating the BMI for the other blogger, she writes down her height and the weight she aims, and the calculation come out around 14.


If you don't know, BMI or Body Mass Index is a measure for human body shape based on an individual's mass and height. It is defined as the individual's body mass divided by the square of their height – with the value universally being given in units of kg/m2. [wikipedia]

You can calculate it using this equation:


or if you are far from your calculator you can click here


These index fall into categories, through there are some several variation throughout countries, but mostly what categorized as normal or healthy weight is above 18.5.

Category BMI range – kg/m2  
Very severely underweight less than 15  
Severely underweight from 15.0 to 16.0  
Underweight from 16.0 to 18.5  
Normal (healthy weight) from 18.5 to 25  
Overweight from 25 to 30  
Obese Class I (Moderately obese) from 30 to 35  
Obese Class II (Severely obese) from 35 to 40  
Obese Class III (Very severely obese) over 40  


So, the first girl is very severely underweight, and the second one, if she manages to decrease his weight to the what she desires will also fall in this category.


My height was in the same with the second girl, and my weight is 7 kg more than what she desires. But you know what, actually I fall in the underweight category and need another 2.5 kg to jump up into normal category. Since long I'm planning to gain another 4 kg, because it was how much I loss since enrolling to univ (God, study really make me stress >.<) Thanks god, my cheeks is a little chubby, so I'm not really look thin, but my wrist and my hips really don't have any fat, and my friends complained when I sit on their lap because my bones hurting them. Little by little I gain my weight again.

So, that's how I determined my ideal weight. I based it on BMI.


I know some people have chubby cheeks, or big bone, so even when their weight was actually normal, they feel fat and want to go diet. Or some fat just stacked in certain place that make you feel ugly, like only in your stomach, or in your thigh. And when your bias said they prefer a girl who have thigh-gap, you'll cry over your thighs. When your bias like girls who goes in certain weight, can't you stop first and think, that weight might be not good with your height??

[Thanks god, as long as it is girl Jang Dongwoo and Nam Woohyun will like her, that's why I love my bias >.<]


How about you, how do you described your ideal weight, and are you satisfy with your weight now?




Pst, actually I more unsatisfied with my height rather than my weight, but I'll save it for another blog topic.


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