Your opinions.

Okay I was thinking of this year. And I thought back to the time where I confesses to Bob. Now. Wouldn't sound like he lead me on? I come out saying I like him when I know he has a girlfriend who's my friend. Shouldn't he be like "I can't like you. I have a girlfriend" but instead he says I'm hot and he likes me too. And then he makes a big deal of trying to talk and being in a realtioship with me. And out of no where he cuts me off from everything. Wouldn't it seem like he lead me on and left me for the ditch. I sound so self center only talking about me. But I need other people's opinions on this and not people who takes sides. My cloest friend who knows all of this and more saying I'm overreacting and that I should shut up. I just feel so lost in all of this. Like why did he have to leave me for 10 different girls. He even told me he was basically gay before And now he's dating all these girls. I'm so lost and heartbroken. I have so many question :(


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Honey, honey, I bet he's having a hard time too. I think he's just confuse. But till you know what's actually going on, I think you should move on to new people. Who knows, he might just be a phase. Other than that, you should see new people, and not think about this situation.