I miss...

6 months of holidays after national exam?
I suddenly feel like I was in jail for some crime.
I'm trapped, I'm trapped *sings with Henry*
And now, I kinda feel holidays are quite boring for me, well yeah, only for now lol

I miss school. I mean not the building, just the... Sigh.
I miss my class, my crazy friends like siblings, the teachers, the windows, my desk, my chair, the class walls,
the fans, the curtains, the slightly crack whiteboard, the way how my classmates laughed, mocking and fighting
with each other, the small family-bonding time that we had everytime...


I didn't know that after I finished my high school year, I will feel like a useless girl, and... Unemployed? Haha
Everytime I opened my purse, it feels like flies had come out from it.
I need $$$$! Sheesh, I have to find some part time jobs soon >,<

I wished I had a time capsule or something, I need to go back during my childhood days.
It's fun seeing how kids were doing nowadays, they didn't have to worried about so many things.
Sometimes, I wished I am back as a little girl with her two high ponytails.
I missed my childhood friends, especially those whom I slightly, well tiny bit bullied around in kindergarten.
I'm such a bad girl haha

What about now?

Sigh, again.
It's too fast.
I am not ready to become an adult yet.
I still want to be a kid, running around the playground happily, bawling over a spill ice-cream or something and
dream of meeting a handsome prince charming like in Barbie movies lol

I want to turned back the times.
I miss everything.


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I felt the same way as you do.
I miss the day when we chat and have fun together in our class.
Time passes really fast, eh? Now, we are adult and unemployed haha.
Don't worry my friend. We'll meet again :)