Just a friendly reminder

I don't use aff anymore. I don't know if anyone read my last blog post before I deleted it, but I said I wasn't planning on finishing any of the stories posted on this account. At least not at the moment. If you're willing to wait for forever, then they might update, but during this current point in my life I won't be writing anymore of them.

If you want to know what happens at the end I can just tell you. Just ask for which story.

I do have a fic blog here.

I'm not sure how some of you have been finding my tumblr and twitter since I removed those links a while ago, but I think if it's easy enough to track those down, you could have easily tracked down my fic blog and sent any questions or comments there. Now that I've put these links back up, please respect me and don't ask anymore questions about these stories on this account.

I will update them when I update them. There I said it.

I do appreciate that there are still people wanting to read these, but writing isn't something I have much time for anymore. I'd give a list of reasons, but I feel like people don't read the list and just ignore it. Anyway, like I said, please redirect questions to my fic blog, we can talk and chat on tumblr and twitter if you'd like, and I will update those fics (Like a Movie and NEVERLAND) when I have a chance.

As I said before, I would like to discontinue use of this website, and I am thankful to those who read my fics for making my time here at aff enjoyable (Minus those of you who constantly posted comments on my wall asking me to update as soon as possible or those who didn't even make real comments on the fics. Yes I'm talking about you).

Thank you~

EDIT: WOOPS! I guess I won't discontinue use of this website. I just posted a new fic (not really new, but new to everyone who isn't me) and that's all I wanted to say.

EDIT2: I've taken down the links for my twitter and tumblr. As I'm approaching a new chapter in my life, I've decided I need to minimalize the information I share about myself a bit more. I put this message here as an edit for those who have read my blog posts and been here following me the entire time. I will also be writing a new blog post.


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