Seriously Hate Summer

So, summer . Some of you may be thinking "why is she complaining about summer when it's obviously winter?" but I live in Australia. It's bloody hot at the moment, and I am dying. In all seriousness, it got up to 40ºC today, and we're not even in the hottest part of the year! I get sick in summer, cant sleep, and have no energy because of it. I despise the hot weather... and I needed to tell people that....... mini rant over :3


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Omg, how can you complain???
I live in sweden, its snowing and I swear it wont stop until freaking july Q_Q
It is dark and cold, there is no sun! Even the subway dosnt work properly because of all the snow! I whish it was summer all year, I mean here its like -40°C
Omg me too!! Do you live in Melbourne? Summer in Australia is honestly the worst