Bridge to North Korea (Imagine a FREE North Korea)

Hi! There's a video called P4A 2013: Liberty in North Korea. This is to help charity rescue North Korean refugees in China. I know we're all used to spazzing and fangirling about South Korea and kpop, but, please, watch this video just for once. I know we don't really think about North Korea on this site because kpop came from South Korea, but, you can actually do good by watching this. The lives you'll save. People you'll empower (oh God, I sound like one of them persistent charity doorknockers XD).

You don't need to give money, all you need to do is like, increase views and share this video and then, this charity will get enough money to help a refugee.


Here it is:


And the link:


Please, share this, for North Korea.



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