Can I just (Frozen)

Okay so I'm not sure how many of you have seen Disney's Frozen but basically it's perfect and you need to see it like 10 times.

I've seen it twice... back to back... last Sunday (being the 8th, not the 15th) I saw it with my sister, and the following day I saw it with a few friends, and that won't be the last time.

Let me give you a sample of how much I like it:

I like it so much, I'm writing a freaking harmony to Let it Go.

A harmony. Like notes that coencide and sound good with the ones already on the page. I purchased and printed the sheet music, and I'm writing a harmony.

And let me tell you. It's so beautiful. I love it so much. I wonder if composers congratulate themselves on a pretty chord, because I sure do.


So yeah. If you haven't seen Frozen, see it. And if you've seen The Desolation of Smaug, don't talk to me, because I haven't seen it yet and I need to.


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I've seen both. And Frozen is my favorite movie this 2013. Maybe because I have a sister and I can relate. Let It Go is such a nice song. And I'm happy that it is not the kind of Disney movie we've seen before.

Go watch DoS. wahahahaha!