〈❄I Fell For You — Choi Mihyun; I Finally Found You〉

Choi Mihyun; I Finally Found You

HelloKitty10755 :: Cortney :: 9.9

character name; Choi Mihyun
nicknames; Mimi :: her brother calls her that :: he thinks it's cute
birthdate; April 16, 1995
age; 18
blood type; B
birth place; Chuncheon, South Korea
home town; Chuncheon, South Korea
ethnicity; Full Korean
languages; Korean :: Fluent, English :: basic
ulzzang; Soyu
links; Gallery
back-up ulzzang; Park Ji Hyun
links; Gallery
clothing style; 
extra; Her hair is mainly light brown with some dark brown strands on the bottom sometimes. She has one piercing on both ears.
personality; Mihyun is really loud and crazy and happy. She likes making noises and gaining attention from everyone. Mihyun has a really bad temper when she gets angry or sad.  Mihyun also gets scared if people hit her too hard. Her mother used to hit her whenever Mihyun did something wrong, which was more than often. She gets overly emotional and it takes awhile for her to calm down and become her normal self again. So you just need to be patient. Mihyun was always pushed aside with her brother. Her mother favored Jihyun and their older sister more and it was obvious by the way their mother treated them. And because their father was never home alot, Mihyun felt insecure and lost a lot of the time. Her grades suffered a little because of this, but her brother was always ready to defend her. So Mihyun is really close with her brother. Her mother was really strict and would always hit Mihyun a lot and sometimes her brother if he came to defend Mihyun. But Mihyun would always put on a smile so people wouldn't worry about her. 











ice cream






sleeping in




rude people
disgusting people
getting up early
horror movies
listening to music
doing crafts
crossing her legs when she sits in a chair
fidgeting in her seat if she sits too long
says "palli palli" if someone doesn't answer fast enough
bites her nails when she's scared or nervous
covers when she laughs
smiles really big to show off her dimples
she owns a cat
she can cook
she loves to eat
can play the violin and the piano
Her ideal date is strolling along the beach and watching the sunset
She's already planned out her wedding dress
she doesn't get the point of instagram
background; Mihyun was born into a middle-class family that had enough money to live in a nice house, with nice furniture and enough food to eat. She is the youngest of her family and she has one older brother and one older sister. Her father was often never at home because he traveled for his work, resulting in Mihyun never knowing much about her father. Her mother was very strict on Mihyun and because of that, Mihyun thinks that she'll never be good enough for her mther. Her mother made her feel like she never belonged in the world or she wasn't good enough to be alive.
parents; Father :: Choi Jiwook :: 50 :: Doctor :: kind, caring, quiet :: 8/10
Mother :: Lee Mirae :: 48 :: Teacher :: kind, caring, strict :: 8/10
siblings; Brother :: Choi Woohyun :: 20 :: Student :: funny, hard-working, caring :: 9/10
best friends; Seo Joo-Hyun :: 22 :: Idol/SNSD :: kind, caring, careful :: interaction :: 9/10
friends; none at the moment
rival; [name :: age :: occupation :: three characteristics :: interaction :: why are you rivals | optional]
love interest name; L.Joe (Lee Byunghun)
group; Teen Top
birthday; November 23, 1993
age; 20
personality; L.Joe is the type of person that takes his job seriously. When he does something, he makes sure it gets done perfectly. If it doesn't, he will get sulky. He also likes bullying people but that means that he cares about them enough to feel enough to bully them. He's shy around people he doesn't know at first but when you know him, he's this big ball of energy that likes to make jokes and hear people laugh. He gets mad when people about his height or say he's short. He's usually described as talented, handsome, charming and sweet.
how they met; They met at night when it was snowing. They bumped into each other under a single street lamp. They apologized to each other and L.Joe suddenly noticed that Mihyun was his childhood friend. They spent all their time together when they were kids before L.Joe was forced to go study abroad. They started talking with each other and they find out that they still like each other.
how they interact; L.Joe LOVES skinship so he's often seen backhugging Mihyun a lot. Mihyun gets embarressed and pushes him away a lot because she's not used to so much skinship. When Mihyun gets embarressed, she'll tease L.Joe about his short height and he'll get mad and tickle her.
back up love interest; Jo Jonghwan
group; 100%
questions; Is the background too short? I think it may be a bit too short. :/
comments; Sorry if it's a bit confusing. I'm trying to learn how to apply for these kinds of applyfics. 
suggestions; None at the moment.
scene request; 
L.Joe surprising Mihyun with a backhug
L.Joe asking Mihyun for a kiss on the cheek and when she gets close enough, he turns his head at the last moment, making their lips touch.


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