I'm too honest and I put up with too much. (Happy stuff in this one, too)

Judgmental people will judge.

Haters will hate.

I'm getting tired of people. Some days, or should I say most, I just want to sit in my room alone. What people have become, sickens me. They have no respect for anyone. Younger people are not respecting their elders. Some kid gave my grandma the finger. She did absolutely nothing. Even though my grandma told me it was no big deal, to me, it is. I've been doing good dealing with my anger, but lately I feel as if I can't keep calm around others. I'm getting mad more easily. I think it's just the fact that things are building up. 

To top off my anger, I'm annoyed SO much by these people at school. People aren't taking me seriously. I honestly tell people I don't like them and they don't believe it. They're like, "No, Jayme, you love me." No. Actually, I don't. I can't stand you, but you don't listen every time I tell you. 

That's not the only thing that annoys me. So, today at lunch, two guys were holding hands. I said, "Aww, that's cute." This girl, who thinks she's my best friend, said, "How is that cute? That's just gay." I kindly replied with, "That's not gay. It's cute. Two girls can hold hands and not be called lesbian, right? Then guys should be able to do the same. I'm tired of everyone being judgmental." To which she said, "That's still gay." 

Nope. Go away. 

But seriously, guys.

To brighten up the mood a bit....

Apparently, I'm pretty ing hilarious. I made someone cry from laughing too hard. I feel powerful.

I also believe that if it's going to be about 30 degrees outside, it should just snow already. I'm not pleased with this wind, either. 

My mom has been saying "no more pants" in Spanish all day today. She didn't even know what it meant until I told her. 



I'm going to share something with you all. 

Are you ready?


I'm way too honest. I don't know if I've mentioned this, but people are actually telling me to lie because I'm so honest. I find this sad, really. But no, I'm not going to lie. I will tell the absolute truth and no one can stop me. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA


I should go sleep now. I need to be productive this week, but who am I kidding? I'm probably not going to do all the things I plan on doing because I'm a lazy little fella. 


G'night AFFians. Have nice sleeps, nice working, nice schooling, nice walking, nice eating, drinking, talking, writing, everything.



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I really dislike people who don't respect the elderly :(
I felt the same way in high school- I really felt sick of everyone around me and wanted to go out into the "real world". It'll get better one day; in the mean time, hang in there and do things that make you happy :)
This girl should watch this video...


I posted it in one of my blogs awhile ago, I really find that it conveys a powerful message.
hehehe "no more pants" ^^
Just be yourself ^^ Sometimes, being too honest can get you into tricky situations, but as long as you're not putting yourself in a bad position, there's nothing wrong with speaking your mind :)

people shouldn't tell you to lie. wtf. i love you...you are funny and kind and amazing ;) ♥