« ❄ — polaroids of winter » yoon jiyong // the curious extrovert


9.5¦laaaaau¦kris' wife c;

nicknames¦ji, short ver. of her name so most of her friends call her that because it's convenient. eonni, by her younger sister (obvs lol). yongie, by Kris when they were younger and liked to make everything cuter. 
other names¦Krystal Yoon(ㅋㅋㅋ soz i had to), Yuen Zhi Long (chinese)
ethnicity¦half kor. & half chinese
birthdate¦ 13th September
¦Hong Kong
hometown¦Hong Kong


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faceclaim¦Park Hwan Hui
back-up faceclaim ¦ Kim Seuk Hye
¦she has long, brown hair which is on the lighter side. it is naturally wavy but she usually ties it up in a low side ponytail with her fringe braided when she's out. she has dark, almost black eyes that completely contrast her face and tone in general. they are large and almond shaped, turning into a cute eyesmile when she laughs. her lashes are long and her nose, high. her lips are thin and pink but is rarely closed because she laughs and talks so much. when she smiles, her lips curl on the left of her face in a dopey, lopsided grin. she's on the tall side, getting the genes from her father. her body frame is not too thin and not too fat.
height¦173 cm
weight¦54 kg
extras¦tattoo of '', meaning dragon in chinese on the right side of her pelvic bone
¦although she dislikes the way her sister is so feminine and ladylike, she still cares about the way she looks and that is evident in the clothes she wears and the way she presents herself. she wears minimal amounts of make up compared to the rest of south korea, with only bb cream, a bit of eyeliner and a dash of pale pink gloss. her hair is usually up when she's out with friends or at school because she thinks it's annoying and gets in her way, especially when she's trying to interact with her one and only love, her camera.

jiyong likes dressing casually and cooly, dismissing what everyone thinks of her style because she believes that being different is a strength. she mostly wears dark and earthy colours like black, grey, brown, khaki, maroon and army green, but she does sometimes have a dash of pastel here and there. these colours are usually associated with the outdoors, where you would find jiyong a lot of the time, out taking pictures. she is completely obsessed with sneakers, esp. jordans and supras and almost all her outfits would consist of a pair of these high tops, even if she's wearing cute skirts and tops.


Jiyong is the biggest weirdo ever. She's derpy, she's funny, she doesn't care what others think of her. She does what she likes and she does it with a huge, idiotic, lopsided smile on her face. she's happy and understanding, someone who sees deeper than the usual person would look in any situation. with just a glance at her friends' expressions, she will be able to tell their feelings. she likes to make people feel happy, to solve their problems and rid them of anxiousness makes her content too. 

jiyong has never dated before but she hangs out with friends all the time. since her parents don't care much about her, they're too busy worrying over her sister, she would go out to the latest coffee shops and cafes with her group of friends, drinking away her worries that aren't visible to the people she sees in the day. Also, Jiyong is friends with many people because of her numerous connections with people in both Hong Kong and Korea.

Although Jiyong has many friends and it seems like she's an open, happy person that everyone can see through, they couldn't be more wrong. Jiyong hates burdening people with her own problems so she puts up a facade that she has none. She doesn't like it when people poke their heads into her business but it's ironic because she does the opposite quite a lot. With the person's consent, of course. Since Yifan left her life, Jiyong has been paranoid that someone will get close to her and leave again so although she's in a good, large group socially, she doesn't have many close friends at all. Jiyong never tells her feelings to anyone and she never tells anyone too much about herself. No one knows of her problems at home with her family either, no one knew except Kris and she's not planning on telling anybody anytime soon. 

Aside from all that serious stuff, Jiyong is probably the most clumsy and awkward person you will meet. She labelled herself of a disease called Magic Hands, where everything she touches will either break or go missing. She trips when she's walking on uneven ground and she trips even when she's walking on flat ground. A lot of the time though, when her clumsiness takes over, she ends up in the perfect position and looking from the perfect angle. At this point, she will whip out her DLSR and take photos like a crazy b*tch. 

Photography is probably the only thing that really keeps Jiyong sane. She looks at things from every angle and finds the good in everything. Her camera is with her everywhere she goes and since she's so practised in using her shooting skills, a moment, whether it be funny, embarassing or sweet, is never looked past by her camera. She has a large scrapbook where she prints out her photos and writes messages next to them, deep, meaningful, philosophical messages which happen when she over-analyses her pictures. She is always determined to get the best out of everything which leads to a flaw on her part.

Since her father has always loved coffee, she grew up learning how to make and enjoy every type of the beverage available on earth. When her father opened the cafe chain with Yifan's father, the two had spent countless days in the coffee shops and have made even more memories there. because of this, coffee is a huge part of her life, it's her and yifan's 'thing'. She drinks coffee at least twice a day and simply can't live without it.

Her stubbornness and habit of acting out of rage or the heat of the moment often gets her caught up in bad situations. She acts recklessly without thinking and therefore, she takes the consequences willingly afterwards. Her grades are average, they used to be a lot higher. Jiyong is fully capable but she just doesn't bother anymore, she believes that she can utilize her time much more efficiently than to study and write notes.

¨baby's breath
¨rainy days
¨vintage things
¨rap/hiphop music
¨solving others' problems

¨ignorant people
¨burdening people
-clingy people

¨anything overly and unecassarily feminine

-making coffee

¨dem hairflickssss
¨she goes completely silent when troubled
-drinking too much coffee

¨although she's open minded and willing to solve others' problems, she won't let anyone in on her own problems, in worry that she may be burdening them
¨she raps and dances but she will never let anyone at school know that
¨she is trained in martial arts and street style fighting
¨she absolutely loves horror movies and triad films
¨she has an unhealthy obsession over alpacas
¨she likes dragons a lot, she feels somehow connected to them. her name has 'dragon' in it and her grandpa used to always call her dragon child when she was younger
¨potatoes and strawberries are her life
¨when she heard she was going to seoul, she demanded her father to let she works as a barista at one of her dad's cafes, a cute, vintage one that she personally styled; it's her favourite branch in korea. she works obvs. not bc she needs the money but because she really loves coffee.

¨korean, fluent (learned off parents and further developed in seoul)
¨cantonese, fluent (spoke mostly while living in hk)
¨english, conversational (learned at school while in hk)
¨mandarin, conversational (learned at school while in hk)

¨scared of losing someone close, bc. it had already happened to her once.




father¦Yoon Jae Ho¦business owner (but not chaebol level lol)¦43¦alive¦3¦caring, authoritive, stoic yet biased
¦Lee Fa Lin¦housewife¦42 ¦alive¦4¦loving, youthful, refreshing yet also biased
¦Yoon Hyeri¦student¦16¦ alive¦6¦courteous, sweet, intelligent, 'perfect'

background¦ The Yoon family is pretty well off, Jae Ho being the co-owner of Asia's largest coffee chain for many years now.

Jae Ho was Korean and Fa Lin was from Hong Kong, they met while they were studying in America, finishing their respective university courses. They dated and eventualy got married, settling down in Hong Kong, where they had two daughters and where the kids grew up and adapted to living. Jae Ho had opened a cafe there with one of his best mates. The cafe was a huge success and it turned into a cafe chain with many stores over Hong Kong. They stayed there for many years until his friend moved back to South Korea to further expand the cafe chain. Although they always claimed that they treated the girls equally, it was obvious, to even a complete stranger, that the parents favoured their younger daughter, Hyemi, much more. Hyemi was quieter, politer, sweeter and generally, more of a nicer daughter than Jiyong was. They never really liked how Jiyong went outside and played with the boys so much as she grew up, but Grandpa (from mum's side) always had a soft spot for Jiyong.

For whatever stupid reason, Jae Ho and Fa Lin decided to arrange a marriage for their younger daughter, with no one but their closest friend's son, Li Jia Heng, or Kevin Li. They knew that Jiyong liked him a lot but they decided that he would be more suited for Hyemi and that Jiyong just wasn't good enough. Since Jiyong found out, she has been much more hostile to her parents than when she used to try to win their attention back.

plotline best friend¦JESS MA, U PLS


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love interest¦Kris Wu | Wu Yi Fan |Kevin Li | Li Jia Heng
personality/background¦Jia Heng was a nice, carefree type of guy, but he looks intimidating as . He used to live in HK but moved to S. Korea when he was 13 because of his father's work. Jia Heng was really close with Jiyong, they were the best of friends and he always stuck up for her when her parents scolded her or compared her to Hyemi. He too, when he was younger, had a crush on Jiyong. He cared for her so much and heir seperation really took a toll on him.

Since he was seperated from Jiyong, he had become a lot colder, a lot less caring and a lot less kind. He ignored his father's words, his mother's pleads and all he would do was go and play basketball with his friends, every day after school. His grades dropped dramatically and it was not a good thing because he had just arrived in Korea for not long. His father decided to isolate him from that group of friends and they moved to a nicer part of Seoul but it was useless. Jia Heng was angry, angry that he had been seperated from his one and only friend, his first love and he got even angrier when he found out that they had arranged him in a marriage with her younger sister, Hyemi.

He ran away after he found out about this, he lived by himself for the majority of his high school life. He made better friends and became a better person; smarter, classier and much more richer. He became popular in school because of his looks and he took that to his advantage. He also changed his name to Kris Wu, Wu Yi Fan instead of Kevin Li & Li Jia Heng. Since then, he has fixed up his attitude a lot and is waiting for the day where he can find his first love again. However, to his dismay, his parents found him and decided to discipline him, even though he was already a legal adult, he disappeared for so many years and even changed his name, so he though that it would only be right if he listened to them once more. And that's how he ended up enrolled in 고드름.

so basically, kris is a cool, smart, classy, suave, handsome guy who likes bball, rapping, looking cool, drawing, coffee, dragons & jiyong. he has a way with words and can make girls swoon easily. he also goes to u/g rap clubs often, YOU GUYS KNOW HOW TO MAKE HIM COOL RIGHT? LOL

how you two meet¦at the time, jiyong's father and yifan's father had opened a cafe chain together, themselves being close friends. the kids were introduced to each other and from then on, they were inseperable. 
they became best friends, probably the closest pair in the world. they had play dates every day and although they were young, they had already developed crushes on each other. one day, yifan admitted his feelings to her when they were 9 and they even had a pretend marriage.  

a brief meeting @ school but both weren't sure if it was each other. later that evening, she was at work and kris was looking for a place to get his 3rd coffee of the day. he spotted the chain that his father, along with jiyong's owned. it was cold outside but being the special snowflake he is, kris ordered a cold drip espresso with strawberry essence. it was his favourite drink and he ordered it very often. however, this was a drink that was unique to him. it was the specialty that he and jiyong discovered when they were younger. no one else in the world would order this drink and therefore, no barista was able to make it the way he was used to, the way jiyong used to make it for him. when jiyong heard the order, she was like 'yes sir wait wha-' and she looks up and BAM! they recognize each other and yeah LOL

how you two act around each other
¦they were once super close, to the point where their friends in middle school would mistake them as a couple. however, since yifan's family moved to korea, the two grew distant because of the lack of communication and effort to keep the friendship from both sides. when jiyong grew a little older, she found out that yifan had been engaged to hyemi, her younger sister. this hurt her a lot, especially because her parents already favoured hyemi so obviously and they also knew of her feelings towards yifan. although she knew that it wasn't his fault, something in jiyong's heart has a grudge held against him so he's the only one that jiyong isn't her usual, happy self to. she still harbours feelings for him and he felt the same because both of them hadn't bothered to try to forget each other, they just pushed their love life to the back of their minds and continued on with life. yifan tries extremely hard to win her trust back, despite the casual, sarcastic front he puts on for everyone else because she is the reason why he became like that in the first place.

back-up love interest¦Kai | Kim Jong In
how you two meet¦-

how you two act around eachother¦-


questions¦ eobseo
scene requests¦ kris & jiyong meeting at an u/g rap battle & rapping it offffff. kris getting frustrated because she isn't talking to him/treating him the same way as she treats everyone else. kris sticking up for her in front of her parents. kri- IDK LOL

BAI! :DDDDDDDDD kekekekekekke



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