POWER ll Park Chae Rin ll Main Dancer, Visual ll Diamond Prancer ll Nam Woohyun

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                                                                                                         ♥ Park Chae rin♥                                                     




                                  tumblr_m3qpttovYr1ruwhwzo1_500.gif tumblr_m4k8ksXnZw1ruwhwzo2_r1_500.gif  









Before the Dawn







Username (link): ShinSeungAh98



Activeness (Out of 10): 8


What you want us to call you: Shasha






You are my, Special Girl~








Name: Park Chae Rin



Nickname:  Chaeri (Cherry-Her family used to call her that when she was little because she had


red cherry-like cheeks)



Age(Korean): 22



Age(International): 21



Birthday: 27/11/92



Blood Type: B



Birthplace: Daegu



Hometown: Ulsan



Ethnicity: Korean



Languages (state fluency): Fluent Korean, and conversational in Japanese and English



Height: 170 cm



Weight: 56kg



Anything else?: She has a birthmark on her left shoulder, it looks like a strawberry.





Oh, She's Back 










This bloodtype B girl have a very independent nature plus her very energetic character which


spreads out her positive vibes around. She had always been admired for her kindness and


helpful nature. Chae Rin is also quite optimistic and very ambitious, especially when it comes to


her interests, such as basketball and dancing. And she takes opportunities as a challenge for


her. If she fails, she would try to work her way up again to succeed. Like her favourite quote from


her idol, Michael Jordan, ' I've failed over, and over, and over, in my life, and that is why I succeed.




Moreover, this girl is full of youthful enthusiasm and overflowing confidence in herself which


makes her hugely popular among people. With a fine combination of humour, wit and strength,


plus a dash of feminine charm. She doesn't need to work hard to attract people. Being a party girl,


(she loves parties), she loves being the center of attention. As a friend, she would always stay by


them thorugh thick and thin, till the very end. She doesn't want to be too involved in their


problems, but she would certainly lend her hand if needed.




She can sometimes be quite impatient, and possessive as well. For example, she doesn't like to


share her friends with people. She hates to do work or anything if she she was not asked,


especially studying. But who would know that this party girl could top the scores in her school?





Patience is not her strong suit and it takes a lot of convincing to make her change her decision.


Chae Rin can be arrogant and hurt other people's feelings as she is very straightfroward (She


can't control . If she was rubbed the wrong way, she can be hot-tempered and quite


dramatic, so apologizing her would be useless. You won't see smiles on her right away, infact, she


might distant away from her friends.









Born in the year of 1992 in Daegu and stayed in Daegu until she was 14. She then moved to Ulsan


because her father had been promoted to a higher position in his work. So she continued her


studies there at Hyundai Chungun High School alongside with her cousin. Two years later, her


cousin was casted to SM Ent. She wasn't chosen due to lack of talent. Well, Chae Rin was sad, of


course. So, almost half of her day, every day, she tried to improve her talents, and by the year


2009, she tried her luck to audition at Woollim Ent.., and was finally accepted as a trainee in


Woollim Ent. Now, she’s currently studying in DaeKyung University in photography and music


alongside Kim Myungsoo.









Likes: Basketball, bright, neon colours, photography, number 10, chocolate cake, dancing,


attention :P



Dislikes: Cats , cucumbers and anything that relates to it, Being bored, studying



Fears: Cats! (She once was attacked by a cat when she was little.)



Habits: Biting her fingernails whenever she's nervous, have reflexes with her leg when she's mad


with someone (like trying to kick that person), Drinks milk before sleep



Hobbies: Playing basketball, Taking pictures, Daydreaming, dancing, sleeping, walking around (is


this considered a hobby?)





Park Sung Jae || Father || Very close || Serious, yet very supportive || 45 || Bussinessman

Jung Yoon Mi || Mother || Very close || Lovable, caring || 44 || Housewife

Park Chan Yeol || Cousin || Not as close as before because of his busy schedules|| Childish, caring, funny || 22 || EXO rapper



Best Friends(2 max): 


Kim Myungsoo || 22 || Infinite || The Ice Prince, Derp :P Funny, Talkative (Both are classmates)

Both of them auditioned at the same time. When they enrolled at their university, both of them took the same courses. 


Rival and Why (optional): - 



Trivia(the more the better:D):



1. She loves dancing, and she's addressed as 'Prancing Swan' because of her acting and dancing


skills in her old play, 'Swan Lake: A Modern Fairytale' when she was 16.

2. The only daughter in the family.

3. Chae Yeol is a fan of basketball.

4. Her idol is Michael Jordan.

5. Owns a polaroid which is a gift from L when she was accepted to SM Ent.

6. Continued her studies in Seoul International University.

7. Used to wear braces.

8. Had an indirect kiss with her 'friend' Woohyun when they eat ice cream together

9. Has a passion for photoghraphy -influenced from L-

10. Have a fear of cats as she was 'attacked' by cats when she was little.

11. Eventhough she hates studying, she excels in most of her subjects, espcially Chemistry (Her mom's best subject, probably she had the genes)

12. A fan of anime, especially Naruto. She always watches animes alongside with L. She even had a cellphone cover with Sasuke's picture behind it

13. Studies Japanese through anime. 

14. Trying to improve her English through songs.

15. Her favourite band is Linkin' Park. (She would do anything to go to their concert! But... she never been to one...)

16. Because of Linkin' Park, she became interested in alternative rock.

17. She sometimes hang out with Infinite. She rarely hangs out with EXO, (eventhough her cousin's in there) because they're too busy (She hopes to see them!)

18. Have the same birthday as her cousin, Chan Yeol.







Inconvienient Truth








Face Claim: kim Seuk Hye


If Idol, what group:


Galleries (Link):  ♫  








Back Up Face Claim: Lee Dasom


If Idol, what group:


(Link): ♫  ♫  



Style(Links, or preferrably a few sentences): 



As her casual wear, hats and glasses (not sunglasses, more of nerdy specs) are a must for her.


Chae Rin loves to wear clothes that are bright and sometimes the colours that blend in with each


other, just so that she can be seen... (e.g Pink and Black) Dresses? Not so much... as she rarely


wears them, but it's fine for her... She prefers wears sneakers over flats, as she felt more


comfortable in them.






You're my Destiny 












Infinite Love Interest: Nam Woo Hyun 



How You Met: L use to brought her to Infinite's practice room, and introduced her to the other


members. At first, Chae Rin thinks that she will fall for L, but both of them have mutual feelings for


each other. As for Woohyun, he's the reason why she's dancing. When he dances, she felt the


aura around him, there's something different about him that makes him stands out among the


other members. Plus, his alluring voice, wow!



Personality: He shows off his charisma whenever he is onstage. But once it's all about his fans,


his NamIdiot side happened. He sure likes to act cute despite his manly looks. 



Status : Friends



How you interact: They are  friends, so yeah, like friends~ 



Why you chose this member (just cause~): He's my bias in Infinite :) Namstar!










Back-Up Infinite Love Interest: Lee Howon



How You Met: Having L as her bestie, if she had time, L would have took her to Infinite's dance


studio. She fell in love with how Hoya dances.



Personality: Knows how to have fun. Despite his HoGod image onstage, he do have his cute


aegyo side, which Inspirits know as HoAegi



Status : Friends



How you interact: At first, it was awkward because he was the last member to be introduced to


her, but they became less awkward when they're around each other



Why you chose this member : His amazing dance skills... Plus, my second bias :P








Man In Love 











Love Rival: Kim Seok Jin (BTS)



How You Met: Both are classmate in university, alongside with L.



Personality: Serious, but he knows how to joke around. Shows his protective side around Chae





Status : Friends



How you interact: Being his classmate, she's not awkward around him.



How he interferes with your love interest: Trying to distract them from meeting with each other







Cover Girl 







Stage Name (if any): Chae Ri



Persona(try and be creative~): Diamond Prancer



Position: Main Dancer, Visual



Back-Up Position: Triple Threat



Trainee Years: 4 years



Trainee Life:



She was acting in her play, 'Swan Lake: A Modern Fairytale'. She was 16. At the time, one of the


chairman of Woollim ent.. was there to see his niece who's one of the cast onstage. The chairman


recognise her amazing talent in singing and dancing skills, plus the talent of acting as well. After


the show ended, he quickly meet her backstage and informed her to audition again on the next


day. She showed off her flawless dance skills and good vocals. At last, she was accepted. 




For the first few months, it was hard for her to adapt with the schedule as a trainee. Sometimes,


you will find her in detention because of coming late for training lessons. But that doesn't stop


her from giving up. She asked help from the other fellow trainees and her big brother to help her


problems. Now, after 2 years of hard work, she is now immune to any detention that happen to


her, if there's any. Plus, her skills in dancing and singing had been sharpen, plus the extra


lessons of rapping as well.



Singing Twin: Soyu (SISTAR) ❤ 


Dancing Twin: Min (MISS A) ❤ 


Rapping Twin: Bora (SISTAR) ❤ 






Come Back Again





Show Requests: A show on their own like EXO's Showtime and Infinite's Ranking King. Plus, being


on Star King and Strong Heart



Scene Requests:


1. A scene where Woohyun and Chae Rin having a duet in Infinite's studio, and they were caught


by the other members.


2. Chae Rin and Chan Yeol reunited (?)



Comments: Well, I hope you will like this app... Please do tell if there's anything wrong! (The gifs


are awesome!)



Questions: None



Song Requests:



PASSWORD: Both are TeenFinites (same here!) Lynn: Changjo and Woohyun! Ming: L.Joe and Sungyeol!               





~Thanks for applying:D



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    Heheheheheh How were the gifs? Beautiful, I know. Please spread this applyfic if you can, and once again, thank you so much for apply:D Love you all~


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