Asdfghjkl I dunno anymore.. T^T

So, here's the thing..

   We had this seatwork review for our Science exam and it was all calculating and formulas and all that crap.. Our teacher told us that, if we perfected the seatwork, we'd receive plus 5 points on the exam and we were all like: "Bring it on, b*tches" I got a perfect score, so I was like, whoop! Then after the day of the exam, we saw our very scores and I was like, crying and all..


  Because my freaking classmate, whom I think is my rival, got a 100% and I only got a 99% and I was like, "WHAT IF I GET OFF THE TOP 10?! OMG NOO B.A.P FIRST ADVENTURE NOOO!! OR WORSE, WHAT IF I FAIL? OMG NO." And my KPOP friend was like: "YOU, FAIL?! YOU GOT A FREAKING 99%! SHUDDUP!" But then I told her that my 'rival' got a 100% and he got a higher score on the English mid-quarters and I'm like freakin' out. I'm the very reason he got off the top 10 in the first place and I'm not letting go of my place that easily.. Ugh. I'm so frustrated right now. I'm aiming to perfect my Asian History exam, so maybe that would keep him off the top 10..




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I hate it when that happens!
In my opinion, the worse grade one can get is a 99 because everyone starts asking: "Why not 100%?" GAHHH!!! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

You can do it, Saengie-ah!! I'm cheering so hard on you right now; beat that idiot and show him his place!! Do it for the B.A.P. First Adventure!! Do it for Zelo!!! (lol, I'm getting a bit too excited here)