
So, i'm not usually the kind of person to have problems in her life because.. I live so simple and I avoid all the dramas going on. 

This is about me. 

I'm a happy person, I laugh a lot, I smile a lot, I have loads of friends (and not calling them best friends kind of like... make me think that they're not really my friends... idk)

I'm mixed up. 

I feel like I'm not happy. I feel like I'm fake with my friends. THough I really enjoy their company and all. Maybe I'm hanging out with the wrong crowd? Idk. It seems like ever since year 9 (about 3 years ago), well let me rephrase it. I feel like the friends who I've made are the friends that I feel most comfortable with and not feel fake with...


help? I really needa sort out this weird, dysfunctional me... 


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you may feel fake with ur friends because you don't fully trust them. example my best friend, who is a friggin sister to me now, and i know her for 10-11 years but we are best friends for 3 years now and we used to hate each other to death.

idk if im getting this right but you have loads of friends, friends that you have for 3 years or so, and you don't feel fake with them and you have new friends or sth like that?