〈 ☼ summer paradise 〉 — nam hyunjoo // the prankster

brokenwings1232 || 10 || Bella || EST

nicknames //
joo :: it's cute, like her - her friends

age // 19
birthdate // june 26th 1994

birthplace // suncheon, south korea
timeline //

- 1994 - 1996 suncheon, south korea                           
- 1996 - 2013 seoul, south korea                          
ethicity // korean




likes // 
-coffee :: she can't go a day without drinking some
-nail polish :: her nails are always done perfectly
-black :: it's her all-time favorite color
-snow :: she's always been obsessed with snow because it's beautiful
-cute things :: anything that's cute attracts her. anything (coughboyscough).
-turtles :: they're her favorite kind of animal
-roses :: being the romanticist she is, roses are her favorite flower

dislikes // 
-bright lights :: she over exaggerates and says that they'll blind her
-bitter foods :: she hates them and will never ever eat them
-boredom :: she always needs something to do or she'll go crazy
-reading :: she doesn't have the patience to read an entire book from cover to cover
-stress :: she can't do anything under stress
-over crowded areas :: she hates it when they're too many people because she'll lose her friends in the crowd
habits // 
-nibbling on her fingers :: she always has to be biting something
-drooling :: since she is a mouth breather, she sleeps with open and drools a lot
hobbies // 
-fencing :: she calls it her stress reliever because she can stab people
-photography :: she likes to keep memories 
fears // 
-bugs :: she's always been terrified of bugs since she was little. they just disgust her a lot and she can't stand being around them
trivia // 
-she's been fencing since she was five
-she is in love with her hair
-her closet consists of a lot of black, white, and pink
-she's always looking for cute guys
-she loves pulling pranks
languages // 
-korean :: fluent
personality //
hyunjoo is the free spirited, careless prankster of the group. she doesn't care much for being smart or popular, she just does whatever she feels like doing. she moves to the beat of her own drum and is very childish. when she's not rolling around being weird, she's probably setting up a prank on the other girls. although she always teases them, she's very motherly. they call her omma because she cares for them, cooks for them, nags them when they don't wear thick enough clothes, and is always there to protect them. at times she can be a little too over protective and it becomes annoying. for examples, if someone got a boyfriend, she would interrogate them so much, they might get scared and run off.

she is also very stubborn and hates to be told what to do, which makes her some what of a hypocrite because she can be so bossy. it's not that she doesn't follow rules, or listen to instructions, but she secretly cusses people out in her head when they tell her to do or not to do things. she has a very good temper and can be very tolerant. she likes to laugh and make other people laugh, for she is a very funny person. she can think of random jokes at the weirdest moment and never fails to brighten a dark atmosphere. not all her jokes are funny, but when they aren't, her embarrassing herself is pretty funny by it's self.



ulzzang name // kim sooyeon
back-up ulzzang // gam dain
appearance // her hair is dyed a dark maroon that you can only see clearly when there are bright lights or the sun is shining on her and her ears are pierced.
style //
hyunjoo likes to wear cute clothes that match her equally cute face. although she prefers comfort, she likes looking nice, too. she wears a lot of black, white, and light pink. she usually likes wearing comical t-shirts and jeans or wearing a nice shirt with a skirt.
height // 165 cm
weight // 51 kg


family //
mom || kim minsun || 49 || works at a jjajangmyun shop || 8

dad || nam minseok || 51 || electrical technician || 7
brother || nam hyunwoo || 25 || currently still in medical school || 9 
background //
being born in the country-side, hyunjoo spent her first two years alive with really nice and caring people. her family wasn't wealthy, but they weren't poor, so she was able to buy things she wanted and eat good food. hyunwoo, hyunjoo's older brother, was always very nice and brotherly to hyunjoo. at the age of three, hyunjoo and her family moved into the city when her father got a new job and most of the people he helped out with lived in seoul, therefore they moved there. since hyunjoo was at an age where she didn't really make any close friends, she didn't mind the move. because her dad was usually working after the move, they weren't as close as they used to be. hyunjoo and hyunwoo spent a lot of time together at their mother's jjanjmyun shop, so she was always close to the two of them. when her brother went to medical school, hyunjoo was sad since he had to leave and it took her a year and a half to get over it. 


love interest  // jung jinyoung
age // 20
personality //
jinyoung is pretty much the male version of hyunjoo. they have the exact same personality and when they're together, you can see their personalities clash. he's very determined and gives his all no matter what he is doing. he thinks about other people before himself and never fails to bring a smile to a crying person's face. he isn't afraid to get down into the dirt to help out a person. he's patient and gentlemanly towards everyone, from friends to elders to strangers. honest and truthful, he can never pull through with a lie no matter how much the truth hurts. although he's known as the nearly perfect guy, he isn't able to completely understand the feelings of others. the way his interprets a person's actions is rarely right. he fails to notice to atmosphere of a situation and can make things awkward.
how you are going to meet /

the two of them met when on the beach when hyunjoo's wandering eyes are looking for cute boys. he caught her staring at him and kind of ignored it at first. hyunjoo was walking in the same direction he was in and he thought she was going to approach him, so he approached her even though she was walking to her friend who was behing him.
how you are going to act around each other // he is the type of person who will be all, "this is my girlfriend, don't touch her.", but when they are alone, he likes to make fun of her, call her names, and make fun of her. they like to play around and joke around with each, both being pranksters. they like to poke each other, tickle each other, step on each others' feet, and overall just act stupid.

back-up love interest // lee junghwan (sandeul)
age // 20

personality // junghwan is hard to explain with words. overall, he's weird. he has his own way of doing everything and people usually have no idea what he's doing. he's very loud and outgoing and always blurts out things. he's blunt and doesn't understand things quickly ever. most things he hear go through one ear and come out the other. in some ways, hyunjoo and junghwan are alike. for instance, they are both very stubborn and don't give up easily. another example is how funny they both are. 
how you are going to meet // same as above

how you are going to act around each other // even though junghwan is the older one, he calls her noona because she seems older than him. she always yells at him for being stupid and likes to hit him in the head. he is somewhat like her puppy, always obeying her as if she was his master.


comments // i'm so in love with this idea! i hope you like/choose my character!! Good luck, author-nims!!
questions // nope :)
scene request // 
-taking a walk at midnight
-eating sandwiches together

password // 
what's going on? by b1a4 is by favorite mv of all time, they're too cute!



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