
Well guys...I'm sick...And I feel like crap.

Basically, I got sick due to complete exhaustion and a lot of stress. In the past week and a half I've had four chorus concerts. And I have one more on Saturday. In the past couple of weeks I've had God knows how many projects, a mountain of work the size of Mt. Fuji, and BARELY ANY SLEEP!! I swear if more than one teacher gives me a project in the same week I WILL DIE!!! 

I have enough late work as it is and I don't need more. I REALLY NEED A HUG RIGHT NOW!! I feel like I'm using my blogs just to pour out my heart on you guys. Even though I'm pretty sure only like, two people actually read them. Thank you my faithful friends!!!

Anyways...I had to stay home from school today so I'm very bored and lonely...I don't know what else to do. I should update one of my fanfictions and make it less crappy but I don't wanna right now. 

So if you actually care about me, could you comment something? I don't really have anything better to do with my life right now than homework, so I'm gonna have to get started on that... Until next time guys!!!



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JJ112000 #1

//hugs you until you cant breathe//
RequiemofKabarisa #2
Nonono my poor sweetie are you okay?