Fantasia Applyfic






 Last Name First Name 」
Lucia_Greenleaf — Lucia — activeness 7
“ Hello, Goodbye?
Birth Name — Park Eun Mi
Other Names — Mei Hua (Chinese), Selene (English)
Nicknames — Princess (her guy best friend likes to by calling her that)
Birthday and Age — 05/05/1994 - 19 years old
Birthplace — Busan, South Korea
Hometown — She moved to Beijing when she was 10 but returned to Busan when she was 17
Bloodtype — B +
Height and Weight — 167cm, 57kg
Ethnicity — 1/2 Korean, 1/2 Chinese
Nationality — Korea
Languages — Korean (Native), Chinese (Native), Japanese (Only basic words she gets from anime)
“ Look on what’s in the inside, not the outside! 
Face-claim — Kim Seuk Hye aka Joo 
Back-up — Lee Eun Hye aka Jung Roo
“ Why fit in when you’re born to stand out?
Fantasy Heroine — Thalia Grace, Percy Jackson
Personality Traits — Spunky, Stubborn, Tomboyish, Independant, Not really sociable
Personality — She's the kind of girl who won't take no for a answer, she will really stay true to her points unless if she's proven wrong, even then she won't admit defeat, she's not really feminim, knows fashion put usually wears casual and confortable clothes, she's a girl who can fight for herself but her downfall is that she thinks she doesn't need anybody to help her. She's also not good at making friends, not because she's shy or anything, it's just because her style is different from most of the girls she knows.
Likes — Drinking Milk, Dogs, Sports, Teasing People (Just For Fun), Watching K-Dramas
Dislikes — Fake People, Attention Seeker, Two faced people, Drama Queen, Bugs (of any kind), Being Wrong
Hobbies — Playing Basketball, Writing on her blog, Going online (surfing the internet)
Habits — Unintentional cussing, Suddenly Singing (no matter the time/place), Easily have a mind blank out
Trivia — 
-Have 1 guy best friend during her school years
-She calls him devil, while he calls her princess
-Her temper likes to get the best of her
-Really Clumsy, too clumsy for her own good
-Prefer playing outside rather than dressing up
-Secretly loves watching K-Dramas though she won't admit it
-Have one younger brother who adores but likes to
-Her bias is CNBlue Minhyuk after watching him on 'The Heirs'
-Easily forgot something
-Hates being dependant on someone
-Sometimes she's too stubborn for her own good
-Her favourit drink is Vanilla Milkshake
-Her favourit food is Sushi
-She really loves blue for some reason
“ You know my name, not my story
Background — She is from a normal family not mommy/daddy issue, but she loves to have a playful banter with her dongsaeng. Since the first till the last year of high school she doesn't have lots of friend, being the stubborn person she is, girls tended to stay away from her since she doesn't quiet 'fit in' in their clique, because while most of the girs were fangirling and gossiping, she would spend her days playing basketball with the boys. She found it really hard to open up to someone, being different from other girls they usually makes her the laughing stock. One day a guy stood up for her, the guys is the school's current kingka, after that incident they became the best of friends, though still after today she kept insisting that she doesn't need any help about that day. 
Family — 
Dad :: Park Junsu :: stubborn, can be childish sometimes, really love his family :: 8
Mom :: Park Soo Jin:: caring, motherly, the patient and rational one out of the two :: 8
Younger Brother :: Park Jonghyun :: cute, likes to annoy his noona, childish, prankster :: 10
Best Friends — 
Kim Myungsoo (L) Infinite :: cold city guy, sweet, loves teasing Eun Mi, his inner pesonality and outer looks are totally different :: L stood up for her when a bunch of girls were bullying her :: 10
Jung Krystal F(x) :: joker, gives really good advice, also not really girly, seems cold at first :: L introduced them to each other and they found out they were made for each other with the same personality and likes :: 10
Friends —
C.A.P Teen Top:: They were assigned to be partners on one project, but the two of them being the laziest human being ever didn't do it and got punished together, they got closer through the punishment :: 8
Dara 2NE1 :: Dara being a good sunbae was the supervisor when C.A.P and Eun Mi got punished, she got Eun Mi to drop some of her closed personality and got her to be more friendly :: 8
“ Love isn’t a choice, it comes from the heart
Love Interest — Kang Minhyuk
Age  22 years old
Personality — cute, boyfriend material, sweet, talk with action not words, a man of few words, wise, friendly
How you met — Eun Mi is a huge fan of 'The Heirs' and Krystal knowing it took her to the setting one day, she met Minhyuk when Krystal introduced him as her movie boyfriend. Eun Mi got really excited and accidently hugged him, embarresed she immediately let go and ran away.
How you interact — After their first meeting, Minhyuk likes to everytime he got the chance to, though after a while his teasing became more flirty, but Eun Mi kept refusing him, though being the way she is she is really naive about love.
Relationship — Close friends, but not as close as L/Krystal
Back-up Love Interest — Kim Myungsoo (L) Infinite
Age — 21 years old
Personality — cold city guy, he looks cold on the outside but really playful and childish on the inside
How you met — He stood up for her when she was bullied, though he was a kingka he didn't care about his reputation since there was something about Eun Mi that sparked his interest.
How you interact — Like the typical best friends, filled with playful banter, teasing, her calling him the devil, while he calls her princes.
Relationship — Mega Best Friends
“ The third on the wheel
Love Rival — Byun Baekhyun EXO
Age — 21 years old
Personality — variety guy, funny, humerous, can be romantic, fun
How you met — Dara introduced both of them since she thought Baekhyun could help Eun Mi to become more sociable.
How you interact — After they were introduced Baekhyun kept true to his words and try to make Eun Mi more sociable, he likes to joke around with her although she mostly ignores him (unlike to L)
Relationship — One sided friendship/love
Back-up Love Rival — Kim Jongin EXO
“ Enemies make up your life, not only friends
Rival — Bae Suzy Miss A
Personality — Two faced person, likes to use her looks and popularity for her own gain
How you met — Minhyuk was following Eun Mi to the park when they raninto Suzy who immidiately put up an innocent front and innocently 'flirted' with Minhyuk
Why are you rivals? — She got her eye on Minhyuk but he kept blandly ignoring her for Eun Mi, she gets jealous easily and set her target on destroying Eun Mi's life
How you interact — Typical unni dongsaeng relationship for Eun Mi, but for Suzy she only acts as the cute dongsaeng but in reality is plotting her revenge.
“ Don’t be fake, be yourself
Stage Name — Selene (her english name)
Persona — Mysterious, is actually really talkactive, the one who cares least about her image
Position — 1st Lead Vocalist
Back-up Position — Co- Leader, Sub Rapper
Fanclub Name + Color — CG (Cool Girls) + http://
Trainee years — 2 years 
Trainee life — She was not a really sociable girl until Dara & Baekhyun got her to be more friendly to people, Krystal introduce her to lots of her SM sunbae and hoobae, helping Eun Mi to get to know people easier, but out of them all she is the closest too SHINee Minho, him being a sport idol, both of them like to use their free time to go to the park to play basketball. Though she made more friends outside of SM rather than inside it.
Talking Twin — Sistar Bora
Singing Twin — Sistar Hyorin
Dancing Twin — 4Minute Hyuna
Rapping Twin — SNSD Yuri
“ Goodbye, Hello?
Comments — Hi! hope you accept my applyfic, sorry if i made many mistakes
Suggestions — anything?
Scene requests — we can’t promise to do all, though


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