How to Scare a Guy

So there is this guy that my friend cannot stand!  He is probably the most annoying person on the planet!

All he does is talk REALLY LOUDLY and hit on girls. Ugh!

MY friend knows about what I like to write about, so she told him about it. I decided to show him what I write about, I showed him My Dolls.

I told him how I knew how to use everything as a weapon. I told him of how I could use a spoon to hurt him and how to choke him out quickly. He questioned my ability, so he handed me a straw. Before he could think of what to say next, the end of the straw was only a centimeter away from his eye. 

Let's just say, he won't be bothering us anymore!


Oh! I also showed him VIXX's Voodoo Doll, and he thought all Kpop was cute...he's mistaken. 


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Gwentree #1
LOL, nice job. I'll have to remember that when I need someone to leave me alone.