☁Olympus High | Moon Na Ri | Nemesis |





Username: dominikaq92

How active: {8}

What Can I Call You: Nika



Characters Name: Na Ri | Moon

Nicknames: Nari; Messy (from neMESis linked with her messiness); Riri

God/Goddess: Nemesis

Age: 18

Birthday: 12th March, 1995

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 53 kg

Bloodtype: B

Hometown: Incheon, South Korea

Birthplace: Gwangju, South Korea

Languages: Korean (native), English (very poor basics)




Faceclaim: Park Hye Min (Pony)

Backup Faceclaim: Park Sora

Style: Nemesis is a rock chick. She has  rather rocky style. She likes leather, studs and jeans. She loves beanies. But her style is way more complicated than just this. She enjoys comfortable clothes, ripped sweaters and pants, loose tops with an interesting designand cool leggins or shorts. She often wears hats and baseball caps. She has more of a tomboyish look rather than feminine one. In her closet you'll find a lot of funny or odd clothes. She would rather wear sneakers or boots than high heels.







Personality: Vindictive is definitely one of her traits. Not really positive one, but that's how she is. Her usual revenge isn't very obvious. It's always very subtle but it'll hurt you the most. You will never see that coming. Incredibly clever with quite an attitude. She's and independent lady with a rebellious nature. Extremely self-confident and though, really hard to hurt her and she never cries. She's a great observant but brings bad luck to anyone that will make her mad. Nari is very tempered and has a sharp-tongue. Sarcastic to the bones and forever realist. She isn't very talkative, but when she does talk, her charisma comes out immediately. Stubborn as hell. Feminist as well. She easily makes decisions and sticks out with them. It's really hard to make her change her mind but it's not impossible. Usually she is very tolerant, but one thing she can't tolerate is stupidity. Empathy isn't her strong point as well as compassion. She hates pity and people who try to order her around. Even though she usually is rather lazy, she works really well under the pressure. She isn't really good in expressing herself or in understanding other people's feeling so she often ends up hurting them. Enjoys her time alone and personal space, respects people who are strong (personality, not physically strong) and confident. She doesn't really feel that well in the company of overly-active, hyper and positive people with an optimistic mind. She gets irritated easily by people who try to barge into her personal space or disturb her in her time alone. She is tempered, so she sometimes explodes, but when she's really furious she turns the most scary - absolutely quiet and she's not moving at all with her sight on a person that made her that way. That's when scary things start to happen.

Background: Nari was born in Gwangju as a daughter of a lawyer and a teacher-turned-housewife. When she was three her parents divorced and she moved with her mother to Incheon. Her mother was working very hard almost every day leaving Nari with her grandmother who hated her since Nari's parents divorced as she thought it was their daughter's fault. She was always treating her awfully, seemingly spoiling her cousins and enjoying when those young punks were showing off. Nari's mother had no idea about that as she was spending most of her days in her work and she lost any kind of contact with her father when she left Gwangju. She was too proud to say anything to her mother, also she thought that this is exactly what her grandmother was hoping for. The tempered person she is, she had to explode sooner or later and when it happened for the first time the chandelier fell on her grandmother. She was hospitalized for almost two months. And she came back even more hateful towards her youngest granddaughter. But things changed. Chandelier wasn't the only thing that happened. One of her cousins (the older one), Minyoung, found her bunny dead when she came back home, and Minyoung's younger brother fell into the pond when he was riding his bike. Nari could feel she did all of this, she was only five back then, so she easily believed that. And she was finally left alone, becaus her cousins were too afraid. Her grandma wasn't going to let her go that easily. When all three of her cats died the night after she destroyed Nari's favorite teddy bear, she  yelled that the youngest is cursed and started ignoring her.

Nari was still living with her mother in her grandmother's house till she went to Academy, but her life became way more pleasant when her grandmother started completely ignoring her. When Nari went to school, even though she was quite pretty, she didn't have much friends. Mostly because her cousins told everyone that she's cursed. She didn't really care and felt the best in her own company. As time went by she learned how to control her anger and temper so that bad things would be happening only when she really wants them to happen instead of whenever she's pissed off. But it was rather hard to do. She decided that she wants to become an architect so she spends all her high school studying hard and learning drawing so that she will be able to live her dream, completely immersing herself in hard work. She is rather a loner but kind of those who likes it. She never liked people who were approaching her.  The only person who succeded became her best friend. She was extremely stubborn and because she would never stop and leave her alone Nari finally got used to her and let her get close, but not too close. Her best friend - Eun Ae - represents everything that annoys Nari. Eun Ae is bubbly, always in a good mood, optimist and she tries to change the world to be a better place. Even though sometimes Nari wants nothing more than just smack her friend on the head really hard, she controls herself. Barely. Even though Nari hates the fact, she's aware that she needs Eun Ae in her life and Eun Ae knows that too. She adds a little color to Nari's dark world and always tries to make her friend go out, meet new people and have some fun. It's not that easy though.



  • Revenge;
  • Rock music;
  • Drawing;
  • Ice cream in every flavor and in any possible form;
  • Being alone;
  • Dancing like crazy when she's alone in her room;
  • Long showers;
  • Ramyun;
  • Spicy food;
  • Watching movies;
  • Strolling alone around the city, watching buildings;
  • Sarcasm;
  • Intelligent people and conversations;
  • Crosswords and sudoku;
  • Candy crush;
  • Sleeping;
  • Penguins Of Madagascar;
  • Driving.


  • Pity;
  • Stupidity;
  • Optimists, and people who are always happy, bubbly and hyper;
  • People who waste her time;
  • Most of her family;
  • Any form of physical excercise;
  • The fact that she in any form of physical excercise;
  • Cute things;
  • People who try to barge into her personal space;
  • The fact that she is always lost, whenever she leaves her home;
  • The fact that she in driving even though she likes it;
  • Onions;
  • Candy Crush (because she's obsessed with this game and she wastes her precious time playing that);
  • Losing;
  • Cleaning & Cooking.


  • She is a sleep talker, but she mostly curses in her sleep;
  • She smokes when she's really nervous;
  • She starts cleaning obsessively when she wants to clear her mind.


  • Drawing;
  • Getting even on people;
  • Listening to music;
  • Eating;
  • Reading;
  • Being awesome.


  • She has a lot of completely useless knowledge, f.e. she knows capital of every single country in the world;
  • She is really good in games, she always wins in rock, paper, scissors or any card game;
  • She loves drawing, but she's not all that good, rather average;
  • Whenever she's drunk she starts singing Wonder Girls' songs and dances like crazy, but she always denies it after (I know, she's underage but well, it happens. And there are countries where you can drink after 18 so, it's not really that big of a deal);
  • Her favorite colour is dark blue;
  • Her mother likes to call her "grumpy" and she insists that her daughter looks exactly like a grumpy cat;
  • She always calls Eun Ae "pabo";
  • She usually has a great memory but it doesn't stop her from always forgetting to take her phone with her;
  • She watches cheesy Korean dramas in secret, but whenever someone would catch her on doing that she would deny it completely;
  • She is an atheist;
  • Her dream is to travel to South America;
  • She doesn't like the fact that most Korean people are really shallow and with her opinions/outlook she is closer to Westerns;
  • She always wanted to learn to play on any music instrument but she has no ability to hear music properly;
  • She finds BIG BANG's T.O.P very attractive;
  • She hates people doing aegyo, both guys and girls;
  • The only thing she can cook is water and it's not always a succesful process;
  • She has her driver license, but her skills are very poor;
  • She can't swim;
  • The way she runs is quite funny (something like Suzy's run but less adorable and more awkward);
  • She doesn't really like animals that much, same goes for babies and children;
  • She doesn't believe in marriage but rather in free relationships;
  • Her nickname in Academy is Messy, partially because of her name: NeMESis and partially because she is mesSY;
  • She looks younger in the mornings than in evenings;
  • She smokes from time to time, especially when she's nervous;
  • She's really good in solving Rubic's Cube;
  • Her favorite subject in school is Math;
  • She is a complete anti-talent in foreign lanuages, moreover she finds even Korean hard.




Name: Park Chanyeol

Group: EXO

Their god/goddess: Gelos

Personality: He is everything she finds annoying - he is hyper all the time, he over-reacts, he's a happy virus, optimist, open, very social, talkative, easy-going and friendly. It's usually really easy to deal with him as he is a happy virus, but he also likes to troll around from time to time. May be naughty, more than often. Quite erted. Very confident, sometimes even cocky. Very lively person. He likes to joke around. Liked by everyone, very popular with hundreds of friends. Likeable everywhere he goes.

How you two met: They've met for the first time in school. Nari thought she was alone so she started dancing like crazy to BIG BANG's "Fantastic Baby" that started playing on her iPod when she bumped into Chanyeol. "You haven't seen anything. If you'll say anyone about this I'll deny everything." She said as she left him in bewilderment never leaving his mind since that moment.

How you interact: Chanyeol is extremely determined to be in the center of her attention all the time, so he bothers her shamelessly all the time, trying to win her attention. She finds him rather irritating and tries to avoid him constantly. For some reason, even though Nari finds him super annoying, she never can bring herself to let something bad happen to him. He reminds her of Eun Ae and she enjoys his company a little even though it's against her will and she would never admit it.


backup love interest: Himchan (B.A.P)



Scene Suggestion:

  • Scene when Chanyeol actually caught her dancing.
  • Scene when Nari is pissed off and something bad happens to the person that pissed her off.
  • Her spazzing, when Chanyeol brings her ice cream.

That's all I can think of as for now. I hope it's enough :/

Comments: I really love this idea. I love Greeks Mythology and Nemesis and Athena are my favorite Godesses :). I can't wait for you to write this story :) Good luck!

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