
God... life ...

This year 2013 has been a harsh year in graduation...

That SKE48 mass-graduation in spring + Hata...

Niidoi-chan and Yuuyu in November...

Now... Suga Nanako and... Yano Azuki-ranger...

Please... let me go back in time...



That nyahappy Kumi, that tuna...who I never got to see more of, KanaKana, Ogi-small face... and all those other girls...
Sawako was a weird one, but she was amazing in her own way...


Lots of AKB members left...


Two wonderful KKS have left/will be going....

That penguin girl who was so cute and nice has left SKE

it looks like now, that puppy robot girl is leaving as well



They have good reasons such as chasing after their dreams or education...so I'll continue to cheer them on... but... anytime, feel free to come back...


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Yesh true haish .. those days r just .. aish. Keep on supporting them jyea ~