Dear Juliet...







Hello, Hello------

Birth Name — Jang Hyunjoo
Other Names — Annabel; her English name
Nicknames — Joo; her friends call her this because it is the second part of her name and they think it's cute
Birthdate — June - 26 - 1993
Age — twenty
Birthplace — L.A., USA
Hometown — Seoul, Korea
Ethnicity — Korean-American
Languages — 
-Korean; fluent
-English; fluent




Nice knowing you------

Personality Traits — sassy, independent, stubborn, honest
Personality — Hyunjoo is known as sass master or sass queen because of her personality. The thing she hates the most is being told what to do and when people repeat their words. Only when people she's required to satisfy or her friends tell her to do something, she will do it. People usually mistaken her as a spoiled jerk who doesn't care about anyone but herself. She is very good at defending herself because of her physical strength. Even though she's physically strong, she's not emotionally strong. She cries easily, but not in front of others. She hates it when people see her as someone weak or soft.
She is very honest and straightforward with her words. When she doesn't like a person or something, she will flat out say in instead of holding it in. Her temper is very short and she's very hot headed which surprises people because of her cute, innocent face. People call her 'the devil in disguise. She's very sarcastic and likes to over exaggerate things.
When she's around her friends, she's actually very sweet and caring. To her, her friends are the most important thing. Towards them, she's very protective and likes to act cute. Around her parents, she's the perfect child. Her posture is always perfect and she always studies diligently because they want their attention and they want them to be proud of her. 
-sweet foods
-the color black
-light colored clothing
Dislikes — 
-bright, bright lights
-over crowded areas
-sharp objects
-bitter foods
-heavy perfume 
Hobbies — 
-taking walks
-painting her nails
-shopping in small boutiques 
-playing the cello and piano
-baking cookies
Habits — 
-nibbling on her fingers
-leaning towards her right side
-talking louder and louder
-scrunching her nose
-running her hand through her hair
-fixing her hair
-eating too much at a time
-she has been fencing and learning Taekwondo since she was seven
-she owns a lot of jewelry
-she listens to music whatever she does
-she hates it when people bump into her
-even though she loves to bake cookies, she hates baking cake
-most of her nail polish are darker colors
-her closet consists of many, many dresses
History — Hyunjoo was born into a rich family in Los Angeles, California. Her father is the CEO of many malls and her mother is a music teacher. Her mom is American while her father is Korean. Before she turned two, her family moved back to Korea since a new mall had opened up there. Most of her life was spend at her house with no one but the maids  there. Her only friends were her maids since her parents were never home. She loved her parents very much, but they were never extremely close. When she was five, her mom bought her a cello and a piano for her birthday and started teaching her. When she was seven, a threat was sent to her parents by an unknown group of people who were angry with her father, but they never attacked. Because of the treat, her mom made her learn fencing and Taekwondo. At fencing lessons, she made her first friend who she stuck by her entire childhood. Her name was Kim Jaekyung and they were never apart. Jaekyung moved away when they were both eleven and Hyunjoo didn't find another close friend to spend all her time with. Eventually, she did find a group of friends, but they were never as close to her as Jaekyung was. 
Family — 
father:: Jang Minseok :: Mall CEO :: caring, gentle, understanding
mother:: Diana Morris/Jang :: music teacher :: loud, protective, strong-willed
Jung Daehyun :: Daehyun is the leader of their little group and is the one who did all the activity plans. He is the social butterfly and is always able to get the group into the best parties (even though Hyunjoo doesn't go to them). Being the leader, he is also the appa figure who takes care of them and makes sure they are safe.
Bae Suji :: Suji, known as Suzy, is the beautiful face of their group. She sweet and innocent. Her intentions are always pure and she rarely thinks of herself. She is the unni figure in Hyunjoo's life, the sister she never had to help her through life.




Love me, not------

Love Interest — Jung Jinyoung
Group — B1A4
Personality — Jinyoung is the epitome of a nice guy. He's very charming and polite which drives Hyunjoo absolutely crazy. He is the sweet, caring guy everyone girl wishes to have for her own. In his family, he is the oldest sibling and has the burden of people a perfect child. He takes care of his entire family and his friends perfectly and all the adults love him. But, Jinyoung can be very blind to peoples' true thoughts and intentions.
How you met — They met when Hyunjoo was at the mall and couldn't reach something and he got it for her.
How you act around each other — Jinyoung is the perfect gentleman to Hyunjoo. If she's cold, he puts a jacket around her. If she's tired, he lets her lay on his shoulder. If she's hungry, he'll buy her something to eat. He likes to act cute around her and do a lot of aegyo. Hyunjoo does a lot of aegyo around Jinyoung as well. Hyunjoo gets jealous very easily when Jinyoung talks to or about other girl or even guys.



Pretty face------

Face-claim — Kim Sooyeon
Gallery or LinksGallery
Back-up Face-claim — Gam Dain
Gallery or LinksGallery



Goodbye, Hello------

Comments — I hope you like/choose my character! I really like this idea and good luck author-nim <3
Suggestions — nope
Scene requests — Hyunjoo and Jinyoung taking a walk at midnight
Password — Hunhan!




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Boo! Did I scare you? XD
Anyway, I'm here because we forgot to put in the plotline section in the form. So here I am the little mystery of which one you choose. Something tells me it's the Daddy's Little Girl plotline.
Am I right?
- A.