Rookies shouldn't cover DBSK songs?

I have seen rookie group cover DBSK songs and dancec and I'm usually really impressed and then I read the comments and that's where the problem starts. 

What is up with people saying "Stop covering DBSK's songs and ruining it for me"

No seriously. Get over yourself. Rookie groups are covering songs by a group they respect. DBSK are basically worshipped by rookie groups so get over it. Their covers are all amazing, rookie groups are all amazing and talented and have worked hard to debut and they do not deserve your hate when they are doing their jobs!

You go do a cover of any DBSK song and call me when it's perfect with absolutely no mistakes. OK?

No, I didn't think so.

They ae covers! They aren't meant to eplace the original. They are there to show off their talents and they are defenietly not there for fans to compare them to the original either!

Get over yourself. You should be happy rookies idolizes your fav band. I would love to see a rookie group do a SS501 cover no matter how many mistkaes they have, no matter how much they change it. Do you know why? Because it would be nice to know that there are people out there who know about them and idolizes them and want to follow their footsteps. 


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you r totally right. same opinion with u
jjpunghi #2
i know one group who covered DBSK song. And wow thats really amazing i mean i try my best to sing like that but thats not easy