Kpop Idol Training


Yukka imnida~.

(I'll use the name Yukka for this blog)

I'm your friend if you're reading this. I bet you want to look like those stars on tv. I can help you What do ya say? Hmm?

Let me just help you out a little bit. I bet you have a weightloss plan for 2014 or you have new year resolutions and whatever you have planned to make a change in your way of living personally. I'll give you tips and tricks on getting THERE! -points over to a mirror- go look in you like what you see? If yes, you dont need me. If may not NEED me...but i'll still help.


WE'RE ALL BEAUTIFUL!!!!!'re as beautiful as you want to or feel..right?


...let's move on shall we? >>>>> [go here to find the tips and tricks, oki doke? alright *skips off*]


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