Fiction's Trance: Trailers


Isn't this an amazing trailer? I really want to thank Jolene for making such an amazing trailer for me. She is really talented and she was very tolerant with me. Her shop is booming with business right now and you should totally go check it out. Just click on the banner to go to her shop.


                                                       ⋄ Fιcτιoη's Trαηcε : Trailers ⋄ - main story image


If you're wondering what the trailer above is about, check out the writing competition that I am organizing :)


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WOOOOOWWW!!! They did such a great job on all of the cuts! And I just about fell to my knees during the little "stage/speech" part! UGH, definitely my fav part >.< LOL Well done! :D
Oh stop.
Really, this is so sweet, thank you!! <3
it's so great ;)