`▐┊the нierarchy 〉jung jaehwan — the social sweetie : kind

I AM the social sweetie, jung jaehwan
username : seckchan | activity : 8 | english : kevin from u-kiss B'| /shot/ | nickname : Seck | Rina
FULL NAME — jaehwan "dan-chan" jung
AGE — early 17's
YEAR — junior
BIRTHDATE — December 4, 1996
HOMETOWN — sacheon, south korea
ETHNICITY — 100% korean
LANGUAGES — korean - native / fluent ; japaenese - conversational ( mistakes now and then )
FACE — choi wonho
GALLERY — gallery
BACKUP FACE — dae hwan
GALLERY — gallery || gallery
EXTRAS — He has a pierced left air, one hole filled by an angel wing stud. He doesn't have any tattoos as he doesn't like the rumored pain that it would bring. Other than that, he has a small, tan birthmark on his waist which is usually covered by his jeans.
HEIGHT — 170 cm.
WEIGHT — 56 kg.
STYLE — He likes to wear skinny jeans as well as v-necks or buttoned shirts, a sweater tied around his waist just in case the weather changes. At home or when he's exercising, he wears sweat pants or basket ball short with a loose sleeveless shirt. He always wears sneakers, the exception being indoor and outdoor sandals for when he's at home and has to run a quick errand such as picking up the newspaper or getting the mail. Jaehwan prefers wearing dark clothing as it doesn't stain as much. He also likes rings, having a small collection of them.
in public : 1 ; 2 ; 3 || at home / exercising : 1 ; 2 ; 3 || shoes : 1, 2, 3 || rings : 1, 2, 3, 4
PERSONALITY TRAITS — kind, warm-hearted, impatient, truthful, humble
Jaehwan, from a young age, was taught to treat others the way you would want them to treat you. He lives by that quote, even though people may not treat him kindly or may even look down on him. A down-to-earth male, he is very humble about things he's good about. He doesn't like to boast, but he loves to point out the strengths in others. He's straight forward about certain things. If you ask him for an opinion, he will respond with his thoughts now matter how critial it is. He only wants the best for people, which may cause him to be stubborn at moments. If a desision is foolish, he will point it out and back it up with reasons. It's not because he wants to pick on the person, it's because his worry for them. He puts others before himself, and he hates to burden people with his troubles.
Even people have their flaws, no matter how well-mannered and perfect they may seem in others' eyes. Jaehwan is very impatient. If you keep him back in class when he could be doing some of his favorite hobbies, he will not be afriad to brush you off with a "text me" or "talk to you later." He doesn't like wasted time, and though he likes to lend help by listening to problems, sometimes it's too much to bare. He has his own problems to solve, not to mention homework. Also, he's very dense and naive to others' feeling. If anyone were to have a crush on him, he would not realize until they told him directly. If you were angry at him, he would continue to stick by your side until you lash out at him or tell him to go away. He hates to assume, it makes things more complicated than necessary. In a sense, he is childish to some due to his naive and ignorant behavior to obvious things around him.
Jaehwan was born as an only child in a well off family, not rich but enough to get by living. His family was one that believed in morals, which was quite high. "Be kind to everyone, though they may not be to you", "sharing is caring", "treat others like how you would want them to treat you", "an act of kindness is a good investment", he grew up with these quotes. At a young age, he was kind, and immediately became popular with the kids in his school and those in his neighborhood. However, his life was not always easy-going. At the age of eight, he lost his father to cancer, something the man had hidden from his whole family.
He was upset, so much that he shut himself from the world, refusing to keep contact with others. He was in a rough patch, brushing people off coldly. Only until he was ten did he realize that he had lost all his friends. Thankfully, middle school was coming and he would have a chance to renew himself. He remembered all of the words his father had told him, and he knew that the way he was acting right now would disappoint the man that he looked up too. Jaehwan then opened up once he hit middle school, earning forgiveness from his past friends and gaining new ones as well as some enemies.
mother : jung inna : 40 : CEO of a jewelry company : 5 : outgoing, bubbly, cheerful, sweet
friend : lee sungyeol ( infinite ) : 17 : student & part-time worker at cafe : 3 : childish, impulsive, prankster
friend : ahn daniel / niel ( teen top ) : 16 : student : 2 : cheeful, obedient, passionate
best friend : jung daehyun ( b.a.p. ) : 18 : student : 5 : sassy, blunt, talkative, deceiving
best friend : aegyo aphrodite : -- : student : 4-5 (?) : --
best friend : defiant diamond : -- : student : 4-5 (?) : --
— coffee ; he is addicted the bitter sweet taste thanks to sungyeol
— stars ; it's shines in the darkness and he "aims" to be like a star, bringing people light and maybe happiness
— sleep ; he loves and needs his rest, who doesn't?
— candy & gum ; since he has a habit of biting, the candy keeps his mouth occupied
— stamps ; he loves to collect the cute designs, and his dad was a fan of stamps as well
— kittens ; they're quiet and soft, a buddy to hang out with when he's at home
— bright lights ; they distract him and hurts his eyes
— pain ; it's something in general that he doesn't like, he just hates getting hurt
— dishonesty ; he expects people to be honest with him as he is with other people. he yearns for the truth as lies are secrets that seperate people. he also doesn't want something unepected to happen, like his father's death.
— popping ballons ; it hurts his ears due to the loud noise and it shocks him. it annoys him when people do it for fun or to .
— legos ; he stepped on it once and he intends to avoid it for the rest of his life. he never wants to step on it again.
— soda ; it leaves it weird aftertaste in his mouth and it tingles his teeth.
— dancing ; he can express his feelings and relieve stress through it
— reading ; it keeps his mind off thoughts that he doesn't want to think about and he loves losing himself into the world that the words create
— biting and his lips ; it happens when he's shy or after he finishes eating / drinking something
— scratching his head ; he mostly does it when he's confused or annoyed, a sigh following his stratch means that he's tired.
— curling his toes ; when he feels cramped or nervous, he tends to do this even if he's wearing shoes and socks
— closed spaces / crowds ; he remembers being crowded while playing basketball with his friends and he lost his breath, panicking as he blanks out. he hates being closed in.
— heights ; he's not fond of high places, almost falling from the balcony when he leaned too far
— relationships ; he's seen many relationships that occur and the aftermath of the break up. it's something he doesn't exactly want to experience.
— he has a small collection of stuffed animals that his dad won for him on a small table in the corner of his room.
— he owns a kitten named Ji, and he pampers her a lot.
— he loves going to karaoke places with his friends and acting like idiots there.
— he visits his father's grave once every year.
— he doesn't like celebrating his birthday, but if his friends / family insist then he doesn't have the heart to reject them.
— he avoids questions about his family a lot. only people close to him know about the passing of his father.
— he is a "fanboy" as he has favorite groups and attends concerts once in a while to support them, even if the place ends up crowded and makes him uncomfortable.
— even if he's claustrophobic, he still enjoys "skinships" such as hugs and what not.
CLIQUE — kind
CODE NAME — soft
PLOT LINE — the social sweetie
WHY THEY HATE THE DIVISION — Being a person with many connections, he frowns upon the separation. He believes that everyone should be friends with each other, that everyone should be able to get along. With the division, he feels constricted of his freedom to talk to people outside of the clique. 
MADE ALLIANCES WITH — byun taeeun and lee jieun
RIVAL / LOVE RIVAL — kim jonghun / jr ( nu'est )
BIRTHDATE — june 8, 1996
AGE — 17
YEAR — junior
PERSONALITY — JR is also a loved boy on campus, quite flirtatious though. He's kind to others as well, though his mood is quite easy to sour with a touchy subject or when he is stressed. He is aggressive and competitive when he needs to be, may it be verbal or physical fights, race, etc. JR loves to tease others, and may annoy some of his friends when he goes over the line.
INTERATIONS — Jaehwan and JR are tense around each other. Put together, they make an uncomfortable atmopshere that makes everyone squirm and cringe in their seat. Sometimes, JR would tease Jaewan and maybe even throw a couple of hits towards him and the latter would respond back with either hits of his own or snarky remarks. They are only disrespective to each other, and people are confused as to how two lovely people could turn out to be at each other's throats.
HOW THEY ME(E)T — Jaehwan and JR were best friends, so much that they were never separated. They were joined at the hip at a young age, and they hated being separated from each other. Being friends ever since they met each other at the park when they were five, they knew everything about each other. JR knew about Jaehwan's father's death, and even though he knew Jaewan was severing his ties with other people, he was the only person that the upset male contacted.
REASON — It was the last year of middle school did JR resent Jaewan. His girlfriend fell for the kindness of Jaehwan, even if she had JR. She had confronted JR and broke up with him, using the reason that she was in love with Jaehwan. Obviously, she was rejected by the other but JR was still full of resentment. With JR's hints of his spiteful feelings, Jaehwan also grew to resent the friend that he had treasured so much. Due to the misunderstanding, they have turned their back to each other. Jaehwan secretly misses his ex-best friend's company, though he's too thick headed to admit it.
BACKUP — yong junhyung ( beast )
LOVE INTEREST — choi junhee / juniel ( soloist )
BACKUP — yoon bora ( sistar )
HER NICKNAME — Hoshi ( means star in japanese - he finds her the brightest person out of everyone )
HIS NICKNAME — Ame ( means candy in japanese - because he's sweet like candy )
ALLIES? — yes
RELATION — 2 / classmates
CRUSHES — wang feifei ; It was a small crush on the girl, well known for her beauty and intelligence. He thought it was admiration at first until she came up to him to ask him for help. Even though he had a crush on her, the thoughts of being together did not work out well, causing his feelings to fade from the woman. He respects her now.
BIRTHDATE — September 3, 1997
YEAR — junior
PERSONALITY — She's a quiet girl, the person that sits in the corner and next to Jaehwan. She doesn't speak on unless she's called, and even then her voice is soft and gentle. She's the type of person that fades out of a group when put into one, as she's shy and small, not wanting to bother people if she's not needed. She's absent-minded and clumsy, often dropping things or staring out into space. She's extremely creative, coming up with a journal filled with lyrics made up by herself mixed in with a bit of art inspired by landspaces and anime. She's often stoic unless she's doing something she enjoys or when she mentions something she likes.
INTERATIONS — Jaehwan tries to speak to her at times, only to notice that she's long gone into that mind of hers. They're mostly quiet around one another, though it's actually quite comfortable. At times when they do talk, he notices that rare curl of her lips and he can't help but feel like he's accomplished something. They're not friends, but he intends to take their relationship one step further.
HOW THEY ME(E)T — Juniel was on her way to class when she tripped over her own feet, dropping her books. As she closed her eyes for the impact, she felt an arm slide around her waist to stop her from the painful impact. She allowed the male to help her up before bending down to pick up her books, noticing that he was helping her too. "Be careful next time!" was all he said before he left to his next class, which was with her coincidentally.
REASON — For her, it was basically love at first sight. It was admiration that turned to something more everytime they chatted with each other. For him, it was the small gestures that she made. He realized that it was a blessing to see her lips turn up into a smile, something he only saw once a week. This encouraged him to learn more about her. He started to notice things like sharing interests, how she would hide her face with her bangs by looking down. He reached over one day before class started, brushing the hair out of the way as he took a view of her whole face. It was only a harmless attempt to be friends at first, but when he finds himself thinking about her once in a while, he questions his feelings.
QUESTIONS — um well, i don't have much to ask? OTL will you place our love interest and friends in cliques according to their personalities or do we choose?
COMMENTS — i hope this is good! ouo i haven't found much fics to apply for and i'm so nervous whenever i do apply for a fic ;; i hope this turned out well sobs.
SCENE SUGGESTIONS — JR and Jaehwan become friends again at the end of the story, perhaps? c: and maybe Juniel and Jaehwan having sessions of passing notes in class, which is caught by someone and rumors start spreading. It causes Juniel to shy away from Jaehwan but it doesn't last long as he keeps attempting to talk to her.
ANYTHING ELSE — Um, no? ouo
WHAT'S THE PASSWORD — //分裂 — ( why goodbye - the boss ) : 013


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