
It's DECEMBER! GET READY FOR CHRISTMAS!! (I'm sorry that I almost wrote Halloween~)

Though the recent graduations have gotten me really sad... (heck, PenPen's graduation made me sadder than Mariko's and Sayaka's...) But let's keep moving forward! (Cheer Yuuna and PenPen on with their school life!, it'd be great if they came back~ but...) And when winter break comes (at least for some students~) let's have some fun~~~~ Though that's still a long time away.

I felt a moe feeling when Furukawa called Churi, Akane. And also~ if you've not been looking out, once again this year, for Churi's B-day, that Furukawa drew human/chibi Churi and a tori Churi~ Happy late b-day Takayanagi~


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