++ Tagged~

Tagged by B1A4bunny

rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them

1.) Did you die when you saw Exo Showtime? LOL if you didn't will you die?! (yes you will ㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
2.) How was Thanksgiving? 
Yummy~ I like food lol
3.) Do you miss B.A.P? (Unless of course, you just wanna rub it into far away BABYz of how amazing their Japanese concerts are)
Yes! TTwTT
4.) Are you a closet K-popper? ( It's kind of hard to be, but if you are, no one will tell and blow your cover ^^)
Well only my close friends know that I like kpop. I'm the only person I know who likes it so I kind of try to keep it on the down low. I'm sort of embarrassed about it because it's not "socially acceptable".
5.) Have you thought of seeing your bias in person? Maybe you're too shy to?
Yes I have! I'm really scared of what my reaction would be >_<
6.) What is that one animal that looks exactly like your bias? (ex: Jinyoung - Artic Fox)
Deer! XD (my bias is Luhan keke)
7.) What is your stance on the Doyeon- L issue? ( Oh lord I know it's probably a long answer, but write as much as you feel like!)
I'm mad that it's such a big deal. I hate that fans are so pushy about idols' personal lives. Just let them live their lives, ok? Seriously if you were them wouldn't you want some privacy? Just let them date! If they like each other and want to date each other, then LET THEM DATE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. If you were Doyeon or L how would you feel? Huh? Ugh it drives me nuts that idols can't be people too.
8.) What would you do if ALL this time, you were on Secret-Cam, and your bias was watching you the whole time?
I would try to find the camera and when I found it I would be like WHY THE HECK ARE YOU WATCHING ME ALL I DO IS FANGIRL ABOUT YOU IS IT REALLY THAT INTERESTING but after that I would probably sing or talk about my dreams.
9.) Would you EVER convert for EXO? (If you are a full-blown EXOtic, who ruins your bias list?)
I'm already an EXO stan lol but Kai ruins my bias list ALL THE TIME. He's like the interkpop bias list ruiner.
10.) Do you listen to SanE? If you do, What's your favorite song? If not, do you like K-HipHop?
No I don't. I haven't really been introduced to k-hiphop so I can't really have a fair opinion.
11.) How was Thanksgiving~~? Or to others, how was November 28th?? 
You asked that question already XD
1. How did you get into kpop?
2. Do you ever plan on living in Korea? (If you already do then just say what you like about Korea :D)
3. Have you ever thought about auditioning for an entertainment company or music show? If you have, what company or show?
4. Why is your ultimate bias your ultimate bias?
5. What is one piece of fanmerch you desperately want?
6. Have you heard of collabs?
7. What is your stance on sasaengs?
8. Who is your favorite author on aff, and what is your favorite story by them?
9. Would you like to get to know me? (lol)
10. What makes every member in your bias group unique?
11. What are your go-to songs for when you feel down?
B1A4bunny (haha :P)



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