Dear Juliet...






Hello, Hello------

Birth Name — Kim Se Kyung
Other Names — Charlotte
Nicknames — Lotte. Because it is much more shorter than Charlotte.
Birthdate — Feb - 14 - 1993
Age — 20
Birthplace — Korea
Hometown — London, England
Ethnicity — Korean
Languages — English (Fluent), French (able to hold a decent conversation), Korean (Fluent but still has an accent), Mandarin (able to hold a decent conversation)



Nice knowing you------

Personality Traits — Likes to keep to herself, easily pleased, patient, independent, speaks what she thinks, likes to help, good listener and is a bit obsessive.
Personality — She likes to keep to herself because she is kind of afraid to meet new people and also she grew up as an only child so she wasn't really used to other people - except the maids.
                           She is easy to please since she has always liked the simpler things in life. its actually part of her motto "Live life to the fullest" therefore she easily becomes happy in anything simple.
                           she is patient because living a life where you had to always wait for your parents to return and not to mention lots of broken promises can force you into that. This is also why she is independent.
                            She speaks what she thinks always because before she didn't do that now look where she is, her parents don't care about her and would only send her money. All because she didn't have the courage to tell her parents she wanted them to stay and get to know them better this also another reason why she likes to help because it makes her feel useful. And she really likes that feeling because her parents let her feel like she isn't enough for them and another is that she is a good listener because of this too.
                             She is a bit obsessive because she may be easily pleased but it takes her a really long time to like something. And when she does, She will be attached to it. The same thing applies to people she likes.
Adittional Information:
Its true that she listens more than she talks but if she is already  comfortable with you then she is one of the most noisiest people you have ever meet. She likes to ask a lot of things and sometimes they are something very simple.
She is also quite friendly - but you can still feel that there is a barrier between the both of you - if she still doesnt know you. You could really feel yourself being poked by a stick because whenever you try to go near her, she makes you away with her immaginary stick.
She also likes attaching herself to people she likes - like a leach that wont let you go anytime soon or until you force it off your skin.
Likes — chocolate, teddy bears, pastries, Books, and experiencing new things, Classical Music and peaceful and quiet places.
Dislikes — being alone, the dark, small rooms, bullies, loud places.
Hobbies — Playing the piano, learning new songs, trying to write songs, keeping tabs on what's happening around her and staying on the mansion's garden's.
Habits — observing people, speaking in all languages she knows when angry, is figety whenever she lies, randomly hums when in a good mood and always has a small polite smile whenever someone talkes to her whom she isn't close to.
Trivia’s — She likes to bake when she feels like it, whenever she isn't on the garden's then she is on the library, she knows how to use phones but not the computer, likes to make her own novel but is afraid to, she is secretly addicted to the color black. She was home schooled taking up business and finance so that he can inherit the family business, she prefers listening to classical musics and ballads.
History — They own an investing company that is based around the world. Since she was young, her parent's always left her to the hands of the maids as they were busy flying overseas for the business. They really love their daughter and is trying their best to stabilize the company so that when Lotte take's over she will have no problems.
                    The only problem is that because of that, they have completely neglected her and it was already too late when they realized it. So they didn't bother patching things up with her and just continued to work. Not knowing that all this time she has been waiting for them to make the first move.
                    Her parents also didn't know that her likes have leaned more towards the artistic side than the logical side. What she lacked in brains she made it up through her artistic side, She has always been musically inclined since she as young.
                    She first learned to play the piano at the age of 5 when she saw one of the maids play the big and dusty grand piano they had (her parents bought it for decoration) and she was fascinated. She asked the maid if she could teach her how to play and that's were Lotte's addiction to music started.
Father :: Kim Yun Woo :: CEO :: a hard working father who only wants the best for his daughter.
Mother :: Park Ah Jong :: CEO :: will do anything for the sake of her family

Kris Wu :: Her Childhood friend that she met when her family came to Korea to visit some relatives. they still write letters to each other.
Nam Woohyun ::  a childhood friend that she met when Woohyun's family visited London. they still write letters to each other.




Love me, not------

Love InterestKim Sunggyu
Group — Infinte
Personality — He is responsible and likes to take care of others. He has this tendency to protect who he thinks need protecting and is very much a tsundre.
How you met — She was lost at the mansion and he helped her find her way.
How you act around each other — their relationship is like that of a mother duck and a duckling. He is the mother Duck who protects its children while she is the duckling that follows its mother.



Pretty face------

Face-claim — Byeon Seo Eun
Gallery or Links Here
Back-up Face-claim — El
Gallery or Links Here



Goodbye, Hello------

Comments — I don't really know if you'll accept my friends or not but please tell me if you want me to change them *^^*
Suggestions — None *^^*
Scene requests — I don't have anything I want to happen in particular so... you decide *^^*
Password — YaDong




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Hola, I'm one of the girls from this account (there's three of us) and I saw that there was no plot line thingy in the form. So now, I'm going around to check every app sent in to guess which one you choose.
Hmm, this is a toughie....
It sounds like Daddy's Little Girl because of the abandonment part so I'm going with that. You chose Daddy's Little Girl.
Am I right?
Good luck! - A.