umm... hi. XDD


So, right now, I'm trying to learn Chinese Mandarin. Not just for the sake of EXO, (well, maybe) also because... I want to communicate with I dunno~ other people? Besides, I'm still young, and learning a language while you're young is an advantage. 


For now, I GAVE up on Korean, well one- to much grammar. XDD Two- i don't even have lessons anymore ; and three- i don't know what else. 


As I was saying... MANDARIN JUST MAKES ME NOPE. There's no alphabet-thingy. Characters already represent words. ;_; 


(I guess that's kind of an advantage)


BUT HEEEYY~ Trying to keep my determination and persistence up, and hopefully a little self-esteem. 


Can't learn if I keep on weighing myself down, right? ^^

Oh yeah. Wondering why it took me so effin long to update? -_____- School. Homework. Busyness. EXO. Distractions. School.


Yes. I can't even watch Pewds properly because of these! The last video I watched was... the... Stanley Parable demo?? >< I'm an awful person...


But CHRISTMAS vacation is almost here. And I shall be back. XDD 


For my DDIFIL subs, SORRYYY if you keep waiting so long for the finale. I'm working on it. >< Maybe... within December? I promise to finish it before New Year. PROMISE.       i often don't keep my promises


For the other subs... NEXT YEAR. XD i may be serious. 



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