RIP manager-nim

i just woke up and got this socking news this morning yoochun's former manager had passed away TT.TT news said it was a suicide because of depression he was the one who piggy back yoochun at fanmeet he was the one who accompanied yoochun from 2009-last year he was like a brother and father for him yoochun had visited the manager funerall at dawn he might still in filming when he got the news manager-nim, thank you for the time being thank you for taking care of our yoochun thank you for making him laugh thank you for being beside him always thank you rest in peace *) i really hope yoochun will be fine and able to overcome it.. fighting bb!!


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:(( i hope my hubby is alright
@namelessyun he was our mr.kang TT.TT

*) im sorry this messy post, i uploaded it from my phone.. i'll edit later