Have an audition, can you recommend easy kpop dance? HELPP~!

So I have an audition next week for a drama musical! they say that the more talent we've got, the more chances that we will be pick. 

Hmm so I'm good at acting it's the one that my friends praised me a lot, singing(well... just the basic), the problem is DANCING!! 

I'm average at dancing traditional dances, but modern? nope. I cant even do a mere wave. 

But, I have to dance for the audition. 

So do you have any recommended kpop girl dance for a beginner and not too many y moves? >_< 




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An easy kpop dance would be sisters loving u! Or Apinks nonono! Lastly try Alone by sistar Lol :3
Well? For a start, try Apink's My My,
Me? I started with SNSD's ITNW, but I think it's too hard for you. So yeah, I really think My My is (maybe) easy, so try!