Dudes and Dudettes, attention here! -READ THIS PLEASE-

Guess what? It's The Happy Virus - Park Chanyeol's birthday! Let's all cheer for him as we throw the confetti into the air! 

Well, obviously, I'm being too happy because I have been longing for this day to come ever since this derp-y Chanyeol guy becomes my ultimate bias :D Who else loves Chanyeol here? Although he's, well, derp-y, I still love him to Pluto and back <3 

I never thought I would fell for a celebrity this hard but realization hits me when I found myself laughing at Chanyeol's every word and his every derp move, staring at Chanyeol's pictures like an idiotic schoolgirl etc. 

Well, I admit I have this huge crush on him, but that's normal, right? Cause he's so idiotic yet so charming. He's perfect, for god's sake.

Look at this, now you know what I mean?


Okay, I literally died when I saw this, especially when he's pointing. I like him this way, where he's cute in this second and cool on the next second :)


I actually planned to update all of my ongoing stories on Chanyeollie's birthday but I just realize that I didn't bring my save of the chapters with me and I'm outside in a club. Well, I'm supposed to swim in the club but unfortunately it rain and I'm stuck in the club's library. At least it's comfy here and I can update my blog while my mom's in the gym.


Last but not least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHANYEOLLIE! Saengil Chukha <3


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I love that gif because i first fell for him after he performed loner by outsider. Happy birthday yeol <3