New Account

Hello to all viewers, I am chantoki. If you are one of my fellow supporters, you might have realized that I have disappeared for quite some time these past few months. Please do not worry about me I am doing fine! The reason I took a long break is that I needed to concentrate on my O-Levels, which I have completed successfully :)

And after these few months of hiatus, I have decided to create a new account and start afresh for personal reasons. I'm still contemplating whether to delete this account or not, but for now I'm just gonna to leave it there for a while so that my readers there still can access my older stories.

I have also decided to move on to EXO based stories from now on partly because they're the biggest craze worldwide these days, and even I have developed an interest in them recently! I mean, how can one not like them? You can only resist them for so long~ (Ain't that right Sehunnie~~?)



 So anyway, yay I've started writing again!



In fact, I have just posted up my newest story staring EXO's Sehun, check it out if you want! Cheers to all you awesome people. Thanks for always supporting me 


The Fault Beyond Our Stars.


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OMG I've just finished my O Levels too!! Wish you all the best ya! ^_^
But how about your Niel fanfic ' Our Song' ?