Letter to Kevin Woo Sunghyun

Dear Kevin oppa,

It's your birthday today, ne? Well, for that occasion, I've written a letter, which unfortunately you won't read, to you.

In that letter, I thank you for being alive. Sure, you're not my bias, but you might as well be^^ You've been a part of U-KISS from the very beginning. You know how hard it is to be unrewarded for your effort. I know that it must be difficult, being part of an extremely underrated group, but you're strong enough to hold on. This continues to give me strength, oppa. And for that, I thank you.

Also, look at yourself throughout the years; you've been aging backwards! Your looks have been getting more and more boyish throughout the ages. It's something that I find really amazing {=^_^=} You keep on getting cuter!

Anyway, tell me, do you think the game on ASC was planned out so you'd lose? Personally, I don't think so! I think it was good that you lost! After all, who'd have seen this side of you without that game?! So who are you interested in? I know it's not a star? Or is it? Either way, I hope you manage to win her heart and live a happy, carefree, smile-full life that you deserve.

In the letter, I congratulate you for being Kevin Woo Sunghyun, a person I've always looked up to and respect {^_^}

Happy birthday Kevin! Have a year full of happiness and blessings oppa! You deserve it!


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"look at yourself throughout the years; you've been aging backwards" OMG, I agree