I got Tagged~

rules :
1: post the rules
2: answer the questions the tagger asks you, then make 11 new ones.
3: tag 11 people and link them to the posts.
4: let them know you've tagged them
I got tagged by dedication
1) Vampire or oolf  werewolf? 
lol, this is kinda hard...but I guess since EXO I choose oolf  werewolf xD I mean look at this:
okay this is a lovely, little deer, but still :D
2) Do you believe in unicorns or aliens?
Lay is a unicorn, isn't he? So yeah I believe in unicorns :D but I'm not sure about aliens xD uhh but then again, when you see those almost perfect asian (especially Korean xD) people...they can't be human beings... lol sorry I just had to write this.
3) What do you think of roleplayers or roleplaying in general?
I like roleplaying, but I never did it. I would like to do it though, but I don't know how^^
4) Who's your favourite youtuber?
uhh...duh seriously? That's like choosing my Bias in, I don't know, almost every Band? Or more like choosing my favourite song... 
5) If you had a chance to go to korea what's the first thing you'll do?
woah, woah, woah...wait. I have a chance to go to Korea? OMG LIKE SERIOUSLY?...no? D'aww that's so mean :(
Well, alright. The first thing I'll do...idk...buy awesome Kpop stuff and go to awesome places? :D 
6) If you had a super power what would it be and why?
Idk, there are so many cool super powers^^ Maybe invisiblity or teleportation. Invisiblity because, well, you're invisible xD and teleportation 'cause you could spare a lot of time and it would be easier to move around. Lol, lazy me.
7) Have you watched any plays? (examples: Wicked, Les Misérables, legally blondes, exc....) If yes which one, if no, what would you want to watch?
No I don't think so. I can't remember if I ever watched one^^
8) Favourite disney princess?
Cidarella. Loved her when I was a kid and still do. Oh and Arielle :3
WAIT! IT WAS DONGWOO'S BIRTHDAY??? Damn..I totally forgot...I'm sooo sorry Dongwoo-oppa :( 
If I could've give him something it probly would be a picture I drew of him :3 I always draw a picture of someone for their birthday^^
10) Would you ever consider getting a tattoo or a piercing?
Yes. I always wanted a tongue piercing or a snake bite and a tattoo on one shoulder, neck, wrist or ankle owo
11) Favourite type of cake?


oh everything chocolate related and with lots of Sugar  :D 'cause I love Sugar  :3 


 yes Suga...you know, that's also my specialty let's do it together then xD :b

damn...this guy is ruining my Bias List .___.

(lol, sorry to b2tiful_inspirit. I kinda copied you :3 take this as an apology? 

...using my ultimate Bias as apology...I'm so lame..sorry. But doesn't he look just y?)


yeah~, so that's it. I'm not going to tag anyone, because I don't know many people here...yet :D 

lol, this is the first time I post something here :D 



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houseplant #1
Hiii omg you did it AHAHA it's okay about the suga thing XD omona you don't have much friends here? Thennn hiii I'm Tricia but most of the people here call me Trishy or Trish! It's nice to meet chu^^ I enjoyed reading your post haha~