❝ freedom's chaser ♢ Park Jaemi ❞


hello there
user: strangeness/ ji
activeness: 8/10  
comments/questions: this is my first time so..err hi? and oh english is not my first language so yeah..
suggestions: i would love you so much if you'd share your ideas for this fic with me - she study with some other applicant and somehow become acquaintance or friend if its possible? and umm? Team AB rapper VS BTS rapper line.
scene requests: 
+she meet her old friends that arranged by Jinhwan
password: did you read the cheatsheet? yep..here you go. Shut Up by Simple Plan

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character's name
korean name: Park Jaemi
nickname(s): JJ or Jae (only her close friend call that) Mimi (her only and one bro call her that even thou she thought its a bit childish)
gender: female
birth date + age: 1996/9/6 (17 y/o)
birthplace + hometown: Ilsan, Seoul
ethnicity: korean
language(s): fluent Korean and English. A few common random sentence of Japanese,Arabic,Germany,Russian and French (explain later why she knew a lot)
occupation: student, street performer.

face claim: lee eunji
gallery: gallery

back-up face claim: kang hyeyeon
gallery: gallery

extras: 165 cm, 45 kg. dyed her hair to brunette.


tell me about yourself
personality traits: observant,diligent,self-conscious,stubborn and artistic.

personality: she mostly stay quiet when she in a group and talk better one to one with that person.She fond to her old friend more than her classmate. Not being selfish but she think they know her the best other than her brother.As she just move back to Korea, she really hate the kids in her school. She rather be alone than joining them. But to be honest, she hate to be alone but she couldn't afford pretend to join the crowd that stereotype and a bit annoying. but to survive in such typical society, a little act need to add isn't it?  To her, they just bunch of kid that think the own the school and complain is all they do. especially she stuck in elite school which is house of cocky brats and snobby rich kid. She hate the spoiled kids and how they think they are the kingka or queenka of the school. First day of school already such a pain as people start judging her and labeling her. she utterly hate being in such situation. Pre-judging is fine but labeling right away is seriously not into her liking. she couldn't understand how people could stand living in such society. 

Growing up under a parents that come from high education background, she always forced to excel her exam in any way. She not born to be a smartass like her brother so she had to work hard to get a good mark.even thou sometimes she think study is not her thing, she had too or her dad will be mad and ground her or any sort of detention she will recieve.she don't want to fight with her dad and she knew that it is for her own good to study and get a good results. but sometimes, high expectation from her dad and others stress her up and push her to the breaking verge.a bit by a bit, it start to build the perfectionist attitude in herself. she feel like she need to excel and be a star student. she had to get good mark so her parent will be proud.

but behind all those thing, she sometimes get confused. Is this all she want or her parent want? when she achieve some marks she didn't feel right. she happy because she manage to get into the expectation but she somehow emptiness linger in between the victorious feeling. she start to realize those feeling been hitting her since forever the moment she naturally strum the guitar and quickly understand the notes. she realize it as well when satisfaction fill in her heart upon seeing her art been post up on the school newsletter and ecstatically thrilled when she heard the cheers when she done performing. but the study pressure mostly cut out all those enjoyment as she need to focus on studying.

freedom: freedom is something she never understand. she basically clueless when mention about freedom. she heard few definition of freedom from others but she think it doesn't fit her description of freedom

history: she claim herself or as a third culture kid as her parent work as diplomats and move a lot. She was originally born in Seoul but grew up in Paris, France. She start going to pre-school and a bit attach to French culture. She and her brother are send to international school making both of them learn English to communicate with others, other than speaking French to their nanny.She start being friend with some others diplomats child as well as they are from different country and they mostly know how does she feel being a foreigner. She move to Ankara, Turkey when she turn 7.After few series of culture shock, she start to like the country the most.The scenic view is the thing that she love the most.She is not implying Paris in not a beauty but she just a kid when she live in Paris.She very close with one of her Germany classmate, Karin. After good 5 years living in the Mediterranean country, her parents are send to the famous Washington DC, United State.She lost contact with Karin afterwards.At first she afraid of some typical scenario that she heard as most of the American tend to looks down on Asians. But she is so wrong when the first day of her school. Till today she confuse the reason why they didn't act like how she used to heard, either she was never a real Asian kid or what she heard before is a total lies. Some of them about her height or being Asian but somehow she don't think its offending her. It's more like a joke because, hell yeah she is Asian and she is short. As usually, she is closer to the diplomat's children more than the native child. This time she fond with this Russian twin that live in Japan their entire life before move out to DC, Alexi and Alexander. They may be Russian but they fluently speak Japanese that influence her to learn that language and Russian language as well.They also start the flame of otaku in her heart, making she end up dragging her brother as well. In return, she taught them basic Korean and some other language that she pick up before move to DC. After settle down quite few years, her brother finally graduate from high school and accepted to Seoul University. At first she hesitate either to follow her brother or stay with her parent. After few days of messing her head she just realize she never knew about her own culture. Ask her anything about around the world she would gladly answer it but not her own culture. So she finishing her high school in Korea even thou she already pass her SAT exam.

+ apple ( death note series influence her the habit of eating apple as the death god appears to like apple alot)
+ guitar ( even thou she don't have specific note to play she will strum her guitar during her free time. and the sound of the guitar calm her most)
+ standard french breakfast, baguette or croissant (well she still attach to French culture i can say)
+ music. don't judge this quiet girl music type. she can jump from hip hop to jazz or acoustic or pop or electro. she is huge fan of music
+ phone (well..how she suppose to talk to Alex or send picture to Xander then?)
+ shonen anime 
+ blue color (she think blue color is such a tranquilizing color)
+ chocolate (she believe chocolate is anti depressant food and L love to eat chocolate as well making him genius)
+ Dan Brown books and some others but she is a big fan of Dan Brown.
+ tumblr (she enjoy scroll down her dash till she tired and fall asleep)
+ basketball (her American friend influence her skill on this game and she still playing it even thou she back in Korea

makeup? (i mean she don't really like heavy makeup because she prefer neutral and she think makeup look weird on her)
+ es wannabe. (those people make her feel wanna throw her shoes on their face. she fine with the real )
+ being late or people not being punctual 
+ alcohol ( her body couldn't tolerate even smallest amount of alcohol)
+ medicine

+ composing
+ play guitar and do cover of songs
+ drawing

+ complain or curse in different language.
+ puffing her cheek when she frustrated or piss off and rant out on Alex or her brother or whoever that close to her.
+ she'll draw randomly to let out her frustration
+ wrote '1004' as she leave notes to someone.

+ she usually perform with his brother at Hongdae
+ she left handed but use her right hand to do work
+ she was force to play starcraft with his brother and end up liking it
+ she meet Suga through Jungkook while watching BTS performance and Suga realize they both met once at the airport before. She accidentally crash on him while busy checking her phone.
+ she always play basketball with Jungkook. Suga join them sometimes.
+ she had a small crush on Xander and he knew about it. Both of them are not friend level relationship but not couple either.


let's get closer

brother | Park Junho or Jun | 19 | student, street performer | caring,independent | very close as he know alot about her. And she know most about him. No secret hidden between them. Mocking and joking each other is daily basis between this siblings | 4.8

father | Park Jaeho | 41 | diplomat | strict, intolerant | he still call them once in awhile to talk to catch up with them. He 100% object her and her brother dream to be in the music industry | 3.5

mother | Park Minhae | 39 | diplomat | loving,patient | she make sure to call either Jae or Jun once a week | 4


Alexi or Alex | 17 | student, DJ | spontaneous, bubbly | she will be talking the whole time and let Jae be the listener most of the time. even when Jae move to Korea, she still call her everyday and talk to her | 4.5

Alexander or Xander | 17 (younger twin) | student, DJ | carefree,cool | both of them prefer to stay quiet and enjoy each other company and let Alex do the talk. after Jae move out both of them have this unique style of communicating. instead of talking both of them tend to snap a picture of the day and send to each other | 4.5

Jungkook | 16 | student, dancer rapper and vocalist of BTS | creative, hard worker | dongseang - noona relationship | 4



what about him
love interest: Kim Jinhwan
back-up love interest: Min Yoongi

personality traits: attentive, overthinker, workholic, gullible, responsible.
personality: He may look like a lost puppy but music is his passion, dancing and singing is part of his life. Nobody could stop him even if he sick.He believe that work hard is the only way to touch the sky. He always play role as a big brother to everyone and take care of other people despite of he actually youngest in his family. He mostly will blame himself if his team don't win. He try to understand the situation and help in anyway he could.He don't mind stay up late to help or accompany them to finish their work. He always have a soft spot in his heart. He grew up away from his family making him an independent young boy. 

how you meet/met: She actually saw him before as she always saw Hanbin performing at Hongdae. But she never bother to talk to them when she perform there as well.Its all start when Hanbin and her are assign to do their school project together. Both of them decide to meet up at his house and finish up their work. Jinhwan was there with some other Team B member while both of them try to finish their work.Donghyuk and Junhwe being the maknae, annoy her as she try to finish her work totally blow her up. And Jinhwan save the situation before it turn bad. She want to thank him but she end up confuse between Jinhwan and Yunhyung.They official talk to each other as her brother and her went to the club and watch BTS battle out with Team AB. At first she mostly siding BTS as Jungkook is her favorite dongseang and the fact the cocky Hanbin being her classmate don't help it either. But Jinhwan change her view of their whole team.

interactions: they mostly meet up at Hongdae as he and his team perform there as well. At first she a bit awkward to talk to them but after quite some times, they enjoy strolling on the street together while watching the others performance. Jinhwan later on replace his brother place once in awhile performing with Jae. 

type of relationship: they basically stranger and slowly become close.




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