If you don't want to be here, then go!!!

There are those blogging about not being satisfied being here in AFF. Saying this and that, okay I get it, you don't like it here, then you are free to go and leave this place. Go and delete all your stories, deactivate your account,  and go to another site and post your stories there. 

There is a thing called cyberbullying, and they want to do it to Boss Nichi and the Mods of this site. 

THIS SITE IS FREE, PEOPLE!! We are the freeloaders here. 

Boss Nichi allows us to use HIS SITE, and there are only a few rules to follow. Even if he is busy in his real world, he still keeps this site working at his expense. We should be grateful and respectful to the owner. 

And the Mods in this site are not paid to do their jobs. They help Boss Nichi keep this place working. They have lives outside of this site, and are very busy people, but they still do what they can to help keep this place running. 

I am not a Mod, and I have no power what so ever, I am just a member in this site, and I love this place. 


Let me add:


They should be the ones to APOLOGIES TO BOSS NICHI AND THE MODS, for all these crap they are trying to pull. 

/nuff said 


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I couldn't agree with you more. I even made a blog about this before. I really angry when people made Tumblog named 'AsianFanfic'. I know they are not bashing this site, they just couldn't stand with some of the fics here (that they think badly written). Fine, if you wanna bash the author, bash all you want but why you must made the name 'asianfanfic'. It's like AFF responsible for all bad fics.

They might say that I'm butthurt and I AM. They don't know how much effort that Nichi has to put with them all. He could just close this site, you know. Creating this site, monitoring, arranging, etc, are all consuming time and money. And yet he still continues (maybe for the sake of her girlfriend's memory). They should respect that. AFF folks need to grow up and at least be understanding. Stop being whiny ungrateful underage teenagers even you are expected to be at your age.
stoned-ajumma #3
*stands up and applauds* Preach it, sister!
For users who posted a link to rated content and one who unrated her fic claiming it was a glitch, when it isn't [I asked boss], they sure have the nerve to rally their mindless troops to go demand an apology and a star that was lost because of the author's actions. SMH.