☾Dark Destiny☾| Application Form

Dark Destiny☾




Username: BlackRose001

nickname: Andreia

activity: 7.5/10


Lemme' See Your Face

Ulzzang name:Lee Yeon Ju

ulzzang pics: Here

Back-up ulzzang name:Lee Eun Ji

back-up ulzzang pics: Here


And Your Name Is?

Charater Name: Kwon Min Jee

*Nickname: MJ- abreviation of her name; almost everyone says that

                   Black-Rose or B-Rose- because of her passion for black roses, even tought they aren´t real; It´s her DJ name.

Age: 18

Birthday: 20/03/1995

Height & Weight: 168cm & 53kg (I´m sorry but I don´t how how to do with ft & lbs, in my country we don´t use that way so...I really don´t know. I´m really sorry >.< )

Birth Place: South Korea- Seoul

Hometown: Seoul

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Korean- Native; English, Mandarim- Fluent; Japanese- Conversational

Profanity: She has a really dirty mouth. She curses lots of times. She can even speak out loud about ual stuff if it´s needed.(this only happens, ater she finds a way to control her power).


Let's Get To Know Each Other Better


  • When it comes to people that she isn´t close at all: She is a really badass girl. She is cold to everyone and doesn´t talk to them at all. She completly ignores them.She doesn´t show her emotions at all. Is always wearing a poker face. BUT: in her both sides she is always a ert and always tries to corrupt the mind of innocent people that are in her eye sight.
  • When it comes to people that she´s close with: She can be like a crazy girl. What do you think that is impossible she will do it and tell you that everything is possible as long as you never give up.

Do you think that she´s a bad girl? Well, the only bad thing she could do to you is send you to the hospital or kill you, but only if you mess up with the people she loves. She will do anything for them even if she needs to do the most embarrassing thing in the world just to make them happy. She is really caring and protective.

She can be really stubborn if she wants! If you tell her to do something that she doesn´t want and in the end needs to do it, I need to warn you that you should be carefull because she will think in 1001 ways to take revenge on you.

Just like I said on her other personality, in this one she´s also a real ert and she always feels satisfied when she corrupts the mind of someone that is really innocent.

She still can be a little cold to cloe people but that´s imply because she doens´t know how to be around them.

Background: Min Jee was born in a orphanage.She doesn´t know who her real parents are. She couldn´t trust anyone that easily and the worst was that everyone called her a monster. The reason? well, I´m a little afriad that you will be scared of her but I will tell you. Her eyes are purple and because of that people said that she was a monster. It´s not like they are 100% mistaken...

As the time passed by, when she was 10 she stopped speaking. She only spoke if it was really important. (there´s a reason behind that)

When she turned 16, she was kicked out of the orphange because they were afraid of her. Min Jee tried to get lots of jobs but they would always say no to her because of her eyes. Because of that she tried to work at night time in bars as a bartener. For one whole year she missed school so that she had enough money to rent a little room from a apartment, buy food and clothes. Min Jee decided to quit school and started working as well as a DJ and she started to earn extra money which she was really happy. Still she never left that little room. She always tought that it was special.

Oh, that´s right! When I said that other people were only a little mistaken by her saying that she was a mosnter was simply because that Min Jee as powers.She doesn´t use her powers to hurt anyone but still she tries her best to not get close to anyone. 


  • Coconut Ice Cream
  • The darkness and the night
  • Scary movies
  • Strawberries
  • Capuccino
  • White chocolate
  • Sweets
  • Heels and Sneakers
  • Acessories
  • Black Roses
  • Loves black color
  • K-pop


  • Watermelon
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Skirts
  • The pink color
  • Lies
  • Bullies


  • Herself - She hates her own self. Is afraid from hurting someone because of her powers.
  • Dragons- Is afraid to lose them, since they are the only thing that´s left for her.
  • Talking- She is afraid of talking or singing.

Pet-peeves: Easy stuff: She hates when people don´t understand an easy thing and ask it more than 2 times.


  • Bitting her bottom lip when she´s nervous
  • Being alone and avoid everyone when she´s sad
  • Playing with her fingers and lower her head when she is embarrassed or shy
  • When she talks (which is rare) without noticing she wistles in the"S"´s.


  • Skateboarding
  • Swimming
  • Boxing
  • Basketball
  • Being on her cumputer
  • Singing (but she doesn´t sing that much because she is afraid...)


  • Min Jee is a computer addicted. One of her worst nightmares is when there isn´t any internet on her computer. She goes into her wild mode. She needs to go at least one hour per day to her computer.
  • She hates when people ruffle her hair or touch her nails when she just finished preparing them.
  • Is crazy about nails and his always doing crazy crazy but pretty things to her own nails.
  • When she´s walking with more then one person she tends to go behind them to not bother their talk.
  • She is very awkward around people and she never knows what to do.
  • She has a big collection of sneakers, heels, acessories and caps.
  • She can create acessories. One of her master pieces were this ones: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


What Makes You, You

Power(s); Voice of Death (or Death Song): With her voice she can kill people. Because of that she rarely speaks. 

 - Dragon Manipulation: Can summon dragons 

Abilities: Spell Casting-She can cast spells with her voice by singing.

 - Mind Link, Zoolingualism: Mind link makes MinJee create bonds with the dragons. Zoolingualism make the dragons speak to her and everyone else.

Back-up Power(s): Dream Manipulation, Absolute Darkness

Back-up Abilities: Mind manipulation, Absolute illusion

How does your powers affect you?: 

  • Positive: It makes her feel safe around dark places and she doesn´t feel lonely.
  • Negative: She can rarely talk. If she uses the voice of death to the limit it makes her black out and makes cough blood. When she tries to summon more than 2 dragons, it will take lots of her energy.

When did you discover them?: When I was 10, it was a really dark afternoon and an old man tried to kidnapp me. I tried to imgine some other place and I started singing a lullaby. The next thing I notice is that the man is dead and beside him was a little dragon that after smiling at me dissapear. Since that day I stopped speaking. I would only speak if it was really necessary.

other skills: I´m not bad at hand-to-hand combats but normally I like to use my sword. 1| (I only use the middle sword) I have a good jumping skill.


They Care About Me Too

Family: None 

Friends: None:

My Missing Piece



Love Interest: Xiumin

Personality: Xiumin is a really awsome person. He is really caring and worries about everyone. Hates to see people sad and hurted. His really honest with everyone. Really protective towards Exo and people close to him.

Tends to be cold when you hurt him with your words or when he is sad. He is a freak clean but can be lazy sometimes.

Even tought he is the oldest, he looks like one of the youngest and sometimes it irritates him when people don´t believe he is the oldest. His really strong .

Xiumin is like a gentleman most of the times and likes to help everyone.

How you want to meet: Like every single night, MJ was working on a bar as a DJ. The Exo boys went there to relax a little bit. Some of them had already found their girls so they decided to take them. When they entered in the bar, Xiumin started to feel his mark really hot almost like burning him. Everyone tried to help him find a girl with the same mark but they weren´t having any sucess. Suddenly the music changed and MJ was then DJ putting the music.She had a mask that she always wears to not scare anyone with her eyes and made everyone dance like there was no tomorrow. Exo and thegirls looked at each other and when  MJ turned her turn and got out of the barthey decided to follow her. Xiumin had no doubt that she was his girl but he still needed to see the mark. MJ started to feel like she was starting being stalked and because of that she tried to accelarate her pace  but she fell on the floor and twisted her ankle. Xiumin without thinking twice went to help her and when he saw her right ankle he saw the mark. He told Lay to heal her ankle and when Xiumin asked if she was alright she simply nodeed her head, bowed to them and when she was about to leave Xiumin grabbed her arm and when she turned around her mask fall off and Xiumin was amazed and almost drooling at her. Min Jee blushed by seeing him like that and when he let her arm go she quickly got away without saying any single word.

How you interact with each other?: Well...MinJee tries to not get really close to him but it´s like impossible. Everything inside her wants her to do the opposite. It´s like he is what she needs to survive. Because of that she step by step gets closr to Xiumin and that makes him really happy. 

Xiumin at first doesn´t undrstand why she never speaks and it is when Luhan tries to speak with her by telepathy that she finaly tells her reasons. Kowing what´s wrong Xiumin felt sad about that because he wanted to ear her voice but he was happy that at least she cold sing a song to him every night that would make him go to sleep but at least he could ear a little of her voice. There are lots of times that Xiumin misunderstands something that she wants to say and because of that he gets lot of times frustrated. Min Jee decided to always have a little board and a marker so that she could write things that she wanted to tell him. Since then everything turned out more easier but it still bothered him to not be able to ear her voice freely.

When they got really close to each other, Min Jee finds out that Xiumin is reallyover protective towards her which makes her happy and safe. On the other hand Xiumin gets to know that Min Jee is a really funny and caring girl.


Back-up Love Interest: Lay

We're Alike

How well do you get along with the other girls? Since she rarely speaks she isn´t that close with them. She wants to be but she is afraid to kill them.

Which girl(s) do you get along with the best?:With the girls that have powers from the dark.

Do You fight with the other girls a lot?: Not at all. She can´t even speak freely.

Where on your body is your birthmark: On her right ankle.


Aww~ It's Over

Comments: Hi there! I just wanted to tell you that I loved your idea! Hum...english isn´t my first language so there might be some mistakes. Sorry about that >.<. Hope I get chosen~ If not I would like to be a cameo^^ Fighting!!


Scene Request(s): Min Jee invoques 2 little dragons and a big dragon just to show Xiumin and he gets really surprised by her power. 1 | 2 | 3

They find a way that Min Jee can control her powers when she speaks normaly.

Anything else I should know about your character?: Some of her fave dragons: 1 | 2 |3 |4 |; Her fave dragon is this one: 1| The dragon´s name is Ruby. Both of them possess a big bond that makes them talk by telepathy whenever they want even if they are far from each other. 

Min Jee´s eyes are purple: 1|

Min Jee has a tattoo: *.*

Thank you for applying^^ - No, thank you for this great idea ^^



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I just noticed this, can you replace the picture of Xiumin's wolf? I isnt showing up