「 SPIRIT❣」|「 Hyper Queen❣」



Cheer up your spirits and souls!

I am Park HaeWon!


Username : 1icehoneysam4  || Activeness : 9/10 || By what name shall I call you : Sam



This Girl is on Fire~

Birth Name : Park HaeWon

Foreign Names : Japanese-Akira Takuya

Nicknames : Aoi-her parents called her this because she really like Hollyhock flower which have the same meaning as her name

Smo-her brother and her friends will called her this because she really like smoothies 

Birthdate : March/23/1994

Birthplace : Osaka,Japan

Hometown : Seoul,South Korea

Ethnicity : Half Korean and Half Japanese

Bloodtype : O

Languages spoken : English-half fluent,Japanese-fluent,Korean-fluent


Supreme Power? : Control the element of water


You were prettier than Wendy or Cinderella~

Ulzzang Face-Claim : Kim Jee In

Picture Gallery : Gallery || Gallery || Gallery

Back-Up Ulzzang Face-Claim : Cho Ahram

Picture Gallery : Gallery 

Fashion Style : 1 2 3 4  5  6 7 8 9 10

She like to wear something that comfortable and not that flashy until will pull attention from people.A hat is a must for her and she never wear something that too girlish.Aoi always wear boy shirt since he felt that much comfortable but she still can make a plain shirt be something that look good in people eyes.Long sleeve shirt or short sleeve will always be her choose.


I came in like a Wrecking Ball~

Personality : 

A girl that look like a boy from the outside and people always misunderstand that her actually a boy because the way she dress.Aoi never wear girl clothes and despite this,she wear boy clothes which she found it really comfortable.Even though she look like a boy but she never act like one.Aoi still a girl and she also act like a normal girl will do,just that she didn't act too girly and only being a normal people.She kind with everyone and friendly with stranger too.Within a minutes,she already get to talk comfortably with the other without a problem at all.Aoi also a hyper girls and always being a jumping person who can't stand at the same place for a few minutes.She will always move around and try to find something that will make her kept entertaining.Aoi didn't like when she's sweating a lot and she need at least one fan for her personally that direct to her even though it's still early in the morning.

Sometimes,she will paces around while doing nothing and really like to day-dreaming about his crush until drooling over that.She a heavy sleeping and it's hard to wake her up no matter what you do.Aoi will wake up by herself without force but if you really want to wake her up,just get her phone and search for Rain's voice in her recoder and put beside her ears,she will wake up as fast as a lightning and start to smile by herself like an idiot.Other than that,Aoi also someone who were clumsy and forgetful person.She can remember all the lyrics or the dance step but she will never get to remember where she put her phone or any other important things.She will found it the next morning and it's always at the same place which were in her bag that she always bring around.It's actually a miracle that she can learn Japanese and Korean languages that easily.Beside all of that,she really good in talking and you might want to find her when you need someone to give some advice or someone that can hear your confession.She never break any promise she make and always try to remember it even if it's hard for her.

Pre-Debut Background : 

She born in Japan and live there for  seven years before went back to her mother country.Her father were a Japanese and work as a businessman who were involve with the computer company.She have one brother and one sister who were actually a twins.They live in a medium house and it's really comfortable for the four of them.Her father always went out of station so she always stay at home with her mother,her brother and her sister.Aoi a half Japanese and a half Korean but she mastered both of the languages since her mother always make her children know how to speak those two language.At first,Aoi want to be a doctor like she always talked with her parents but then suddenly,there's something caught her attention.How the idol sing and dancing on the stage make her felt amused by it.The scream of the fans and the excitement,all of that,she want to know how it felt.The passion already inside her heart and she determined want to make her dream become reality.

At first,her parents didn't like her decission and they try to change it but she still didn't budge or anything.She told everything to her brother since she really close with him.She begged that her brother help her to overcome their parents and make them agree for her passion.At last,he agree and they talked about it again,this time all the family was there and the shocking part is her sister also try to make their parents agree with it.She felt really happy about that and seen how their daughter felt,the parents can't say anything anymore and let her be what she want.

After that,Aoi went to audition at Cube Entertainment and being accepted in it but not until a year,she went out from that company because she can't stand with the other trainee behaviour towards her.Aoi went to another audition and that was for SM entertainment.After a few time trying,finally she get accepted and been trained there for a few years.It's also hard since there's a lot of competition but this time,she didn't want to change anymore and just went through all the hardship together with the other trainee.

Likes : 

  • beach-she didn't know the reason but she just love beach,the scenery and the feel when she at that place make her felt calm
  • sweet things- she like it but not too much since she knew it's not good for her teeth
  • food-any kind of food,just give it to her since she really like to eat and a big eater
  • cold drinks- she really like smoothies,mostly peppermint's flavor
  • winter- Aoi get sweat easily and she like winter since that session make her kept cold and dry
  • cap- she really like to wear it and will match every outfit that she wear with it

Dislikes : 

  • hypocrite person-the most she hate when it's involve with people
  • hot drink-she scared that her tongue will burn since it had happen when she still a kid 
  • annoying sound- that make her felt really annoyed,she might went to find the source and do something unexpected towards that person like pour a basin of water on that person
  • scarry movie- make she scream and jump around the house or will be too clingy towards someone who were beside her
  • pranks- she scared easily but not until cry at the public
  • sharped things- she can't touch it even though she being forced too and even her didn't know why she hate that things really much
  • frog- she didn't like that animal and will hugged someone that were standing beside her at that moment

Hobbies : 

  • playing basketball,the most thing she will do when there's nothing to do for that day
  • went to the beach and swim inside the sea to make her heart felt at ease if there's something make she felt nervous,weird or confussed
  • sleeping in the dance studio where there's nobody since she find that place was a good spot
  • dancing even though her dancing skill not that good but she still keep trying again and again
  • playing online games,the best things when she want to let out the stress(might curse when she lost but that only when she play alone)

Habits : 

  • stare in someone eyes when she want to know if that person say the truth or not
  • pinch someone cheeks when she find it cute or fluffy
  • play or ruffled someone hair when she felt bored
  • pouting when she felt mad(try to hold her anger back)
  • her lips when felt really happy

Trivias About Her :

  • Aoi have a small mole at her neck and her shoulder
  • She hate when someone talk bad about her friends
  • She always wrap a clothes around her chest because she want to dance better(she have a weird way of thinking)
  • Totally innocent about love
  • Love winter more than summer
  • She had kept a long hair before but cut it because she didn't thinks it's suit her
  • Had try to wear girl dress but that make her felt really uncomfortable
  • Read fanficiton a lot mostly about the boyxboy couple until she will thought weird about them but she still knew that they are straight as ruler
  • Always wear mask when she asleep because she a big fan of Zelo
  • Keep changing her favorite person in the idol industry but still remain loyal towards the group that she love from the start which is TVXQ
  • Aoi always bite her nails when she want something and knew that she will never get it
  • Love went to vacation with her friends and had done something weird like leave her bag at the hotel just because she didn't want went home
  • Can make a baby voice despite of her image that look tomboyish
  • Have many account for her twitter even though she didn't use all of them such as @AoiPark(the one that she really active),@JimyCut,@HaeChu,@Kokoatalk and her tumblr is @B2UtY
  • Walking in her sleep and have to hug someone to make she fall asleep easily
  • didn't like Bubble tea even though it's a cold drink
  • the first things she will do in the morning is wash her hair no matter what happen
  • love to make blog about shop or any restaurant that she always go with her family

Ohana Means Family | And that includes Friends because Friends are like Family~

Father - Yamato Takuya :: 45 :: Businessman :: strict,quiet,understanding,loving,romantic :: not really close with Aoi but she will go to him to get some advice that useful for her in the future

Mother - Lee Seulgi :: 47 :: Housewife :: outgoing,short-temper,clumsy,kind-hearted,hyper :: they close with each other and will do prank together until being scolded by her father

Sister - Lee Soyoun/Haruka Takuya :: 20 :: student :: diva,smart,cocky,caring,short-temper :: always fighting with each other but will spent their time together after that

Brother - Terada Takuya :: 20 :: singer(Cross Gene) :: calm,gentleman,romantic,lovely,strict :: Really close with each other and always spent their time talked about car or games,will help her in anything that she needed

Bestfriends : 

Yong Junhyung :: 24 :: singer(B2ST) :: mysterious,quiet,cool,kind-hearted,calm :: she were a trainee at Cube for a years and Junhyung being her only supported  before she change to SM :: always confess their feelings towards each other and give some useful advice

Amber Liu :: 21 :: singer :: harsh,friendly,easy-going,sporty,soft heart :: they meet at the park when Amber were playing basketball with her friends :: always play basketball together and Amber had spent a few night in Aoi's room,they play games until morning come

Friends : 

Lee MinGyun :: 18 :: student

Kim MiHi :: 19 :: student

Park JiMin :: 19 :: student

Han Song Eun :: 20 :: cashier

Park EunChul :: 23 :: waiter

Idol Fanboys and Fangirls : 

Rain Bi :: 31 :: solo singer

Hyolyn :: 22 :: singer(Sistar)

Park Chanyeol :: 21 :: singer(EXO)

Wu Yifan :: 23 :: singer(EXO)

Ailee :: 24 :: solo singer


Netereojoma Hate You~


Rival's Name : Kim HyunA

Occupation/Group : 4Minute

Personality : cocky,short-temper,a flirt,know how to make someone hate someone else

Reason for Rivalry : HyunA have a crush towards Junhyung which she thought,he also like her and confessed towards the other.Junhyung and Aoi really a close friends and that make HyunA hate Aoi for that.She keep saying that Aoi was someone who really like to flirt with the boy and sell her body to them which make many kind of bad news happen until Aoi can't stand it anymore and get out from the company.She determined to make HyunA get what she felt and because of that,she want to prove to everyone that HyunA was wrong and want to surpass her in anything that she can do.

How do you interact with each other? : They will keep glaring towards each other until people surround them felt not comfortable with it.Will end up fighting with each other if any one from them start to talk bad about the other.Always curse inside their head before leave and went to their own destination.


What About Us? What About Love?~


Love Interest's Name : Zhang Yixing

Nickname/s : Xing-when only the two of them was there

Zhang Yixing-when she felt angry towards the other

Lay-when there's someone around them

Personality : Yixing is someone that can't stand still just like Aoi and too playful for anyone want to handle him.He always make a chaos inside of the company without thought about what will happen to him in the future.Always be called to meet with the CEO but he never being scold by that instead,he capture the CEO's heart and they will talked with each other for a long time of period about random things.Also a troublemaker and know how to make people love him.Always show his love towards and the people that he cherish.A good son towards his parents and always visit them when the company let them take a long holiday.Someone that easy to jealous when saw the person that he like(didn't care it's boy or girl) close with someone else more than him.Really scared when saw someone cry because he will cry too but can be there for his friends when they needs anything.The way he speak Korea is a bit funny but people still understand it.Will always talked alone when he want to know about somethings and never asked anyone about it except if he really dying to know about it.Act cool on the stage and slightly quiet to maintain his image but his true image will come out when he being in a variety show or off stage.

How did you meet? : Another tiring day for Aoi and she just stay in the practice room after everyone leaving.It's quiet that time and there's a calm feelings which Aoi like and she slowly start to fall asleep on the floor after a few minutes.The time felt like it's really long and that make Aoi awake slowly when she felt someone else was in that room with her.She open her eyes and the first time she saw was a big eyes were staring at him without blinking.That make she startled by that and quickly stand up which make she lost her balance a bit and fall hard on the floor."Are you okay?"it's surprised her when she hear those husky voice coming out from the boy that were grinning in front of her without helping her to stand up at all.From that day,without they knowing,Aoi always stay at the practice room just beccause she get to meet or practice her dancing with Yixing.

How do you interact with each other? : Aoi know how to hide her feelings very well and she just act normal in front of the other,which that only her thought.The truth is,she look really nervous in front of the other and almost everyone knew that she like him.The other trainee also knew about it but it seem like Yixing never realized about that.At first,Yixing thought she was a boy but even after knew she were a girl he still felt comfortable around her even after he know that she actually a girl.Always jealous when someone touch her or talking with her,mostly towards Kris,his own bestfriends.

Relationship Status : Dancing partner friends and Aoi were crushing on him.

Relationship's Theme Song : You Don't Know Love by K.Will


Love Rival's Name : Wu Yifan(EXO)

Nickname/s : Grandpa

Personality : Kris is someone that seem mysterious and quiet in other people eyes but the truth is,he actually someone who were a bit cocky when he with a girl and will treat them really harsh more than he do towards his boy friends.Make a good first impression but the truth will be reveal after get to know him for a long time.Even he's someone that harsh,he still care about her and treat her nicely not like the way he do towards other people.Kris can know what kind of person when he looked into their eyes and for the first time,there's someone who know that Aoi were a girl at the first glance.

How did you meet? : It was the first day for Aoi at SM entertainment and she lost.When she were looking for the training room,she saw a guy who were also looking for something.They eyes meet with each other and without a second thought,Aoi went towards that boy and asked for the direction to the training room.But it seem like the other also looking for it and they end up looking for it together.

How do you interact with each other? : People always misunderstand that they were actually a couple since Kris and Aoi always stick with each other.Whenever Aoi go,Kris will be there and vice visa.They also do a skinship together and that make people more suspect about their relationship.Aoi never thought Kris as someone that she will love but Kris thought opposite about her.Kris will be there for Aoi whenever she cry and only him had seen her cry.

Relationship Status : Friends and scandal couple

Relationship's Theme Song : Baby Don't Cry by EXO


Sowoneul Marhaebwa~

Stage Name : Aoi

Why did she choose that for her stage name? : there's a flower she really love and have the same meaning with her name

Position : Spokeperson,Main Vocalist,Sub Rapper

Back-Up Position : Moodmaker,1st Lead Vocalist,Sub Rapper

Fanclub Name + Color : Moonlight-she love moon as much she love her fans + #330099

Training Years : 5 years and six months

Singing Twin : Hyolyn(Sistar)

Dancing Twin : Jessica(Girl Generation)

Rapping Twin : Yoona(Girl Generation)

Talking Twin : Hyolyn(Sistar)


Our story is not over because we will meet again~

Comments about the application form or your character? : done edit!^^and Taegyun actually a girl!her true name is Jung Daeun~^^but i change to Kim Jee In so people didn't felt confused about it!~^^

Suggestions + Scene Requests + Scandal Requests? : make her have a scandal with Amber since they always together and that make a chaos for the company!!XDD

Why shall I choose you? : she a unique character and will going well with this story!I also active in here and will always comment in the story if you choose her..and will not unsubscribed too if you didn't choose my character..^^

Passwor? : Pikachu





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