

I'm sad.....

My friend moved to Ohio.....I'm in North Carolina.....So now I'm sad... THERE'S NO ONE LEFT TO GIVE ME PEANUT BUTTER AT LUNCH OR DO THE NO FACE WITH ME!!! *sobs violently* 

But yeah....He was the only true Brony too...yes as in My Little Pony. I'M LIKE FIVE YEARS OLD AT HEART OKAY!?!?

I always stole his peanut butter during lunch. My friend Teresa brought pretzels and while he wasn't looking I'd take his peanut butter and me, Caitlyn, Katie, Anisa, Teresa, and Caroline would all take pretzels and eat his peanut butter.

He was awesome though. His name was Ayden (Adan). Today was his last day at school so after lunch, we were all walking back from lunch and our friend Blake said, "Now remember, today's your last day here so you have to do something insane." 'cause that's how we work you know? And so Ayden takes his peanut butter and his water bottle and throws them at the ground....Then he got in trouble.....

Then at the end of the day he missed his bus...What a way to spend your last day!! Hey...That rhymed!!! But yeah....He will be missed. By my giant circle of friends. We were all connected to him actually so it's kinda sad. OUR WHOLE FAMILY TREE IS GONNA BE SCREWED UP NOW!!!!! 

Well, we know this for sure. He said he was gonna where his Uggs and bring a jar of peanut butter to school every day when he moves. THE LEGACY LIVES ON!!!


You will be missed Ayden!!! DON'T FORGET THE UGGS!!!!



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JJ112000 #1
i'm sorrryy :(((( he sounds pretty awesome!

did you like him?