1 Year


It's been a year for me on AFF. 


I just want to... 

What I want to say is - 


GAHHH I love AFF. 

It's like a special part of me- 

it's my family.


I met some supporters.

(frostysnowprincess and Noona_Khan unnies and all my subbunies <3) 

I met some teachers 

(heyhimondays, Deenadolly, brokenmind_scne, Twinity, and other many influential writers out there who proves fanfiction is more than fluff fangirling.)


and I met a new me.


Over the span of a year, I managed to update my own life and start walking on a path I find myself to be challenged in.

As I look back from this point to where I first nervously made this account just to read over what I rambled about so much, I never realized that there will be people supporting me no matter how hard or painful things can be.

All my readers have supported me in unspeakable ways, and they still do.


Whoever's reading this anniversary rant,

I just want to say that in this crazy K-pop crazed house, you will find many family members and friends who will crazily fangirl with you, laugh like a maniac with you, and also give you a shoulder to cry on whenever you feel down. 

All the authors out there who hit a writer's block-

Remember why you first started writing.



stress relief? 

Whatever the reason was, it was strong enough to motivate you into expressing those feelings on to beautiful words.

people read those words, and so they read your experiences, your likes and dislikes:

Your life.


So paint the canvas beautifully, and never give up on the fantasy that we all write about.

for one day, after all the comments and upvotes we leave on our neighbors' fics, 

we can all live through the beautiful picture we create together as a AFF member.

As a part of this family. 


Gomaweo everybody! 

Happy 1year-aversary to me.. Harharㅋㅋㅋ

Plus ++ It's Thanksgiving Break and Imma be typing up belated chapters like there's no tomoroowww!! >ㅅ<

"Life is beautiful ain't it?" _ Dok2



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frostysnowprincess #1
Yayyyy congrats on your first year! :D